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News article12 September 2022

EU news for businesses – weekly digest 6/03/2017

Reading Enterprise Europe Network weekgly digest – EU news for businesses

Events to look out for

Save the date: Information & networking event on the LIFE 2017 call for project proposals, 31 May – Brussels, Belgium. Info day about funding opportunities for green technology, nature conservation and climate projects under the EU's LIFE programme. The event will present the 2017 call for proposals which will be launched on 28 April.

Digital Assembly 2017 in Valletta: "Digital Europe: Investing in the Future", 15-16 June – Valletta, Malta. The Digital Assembly 2017 is an opportunity to debate, take stock and look ahead at how Europe and its partners around the world are preparing for digital transformation. Participation is free but registration is required.

Funding available

Investment Plan for Europe: EUR 15 million for Bulgarian small businesses. The European Investment Fund is providing a guarantee that will enable DSK Bank to provide loans on advantageous terms to Bulgarian small businesses and mid-caps which would otherwise not have been able to access finance.

EUR 10 million of loans for cultural and creative small businesses in Romania. The European Investment Fund and Libra Internet Bank have signed last week the first guarantee agreement in Romania, supported under the EU's Creative Europe programme. Over 200 small companies in the cultural and creative sectors (including editorial and computer game publishing, performing arts, artistic creation) are expected to benefit from this programme over the next two years.

EU policies for better business

European Commission imposes definitive anti-dumping duties on imports of heavy steel plates from China.A Commission investigation found Chinese companies to be heavily dumping their products on the EU market. This unfair competition is causing material injury to EU producers. The definitive measures announced last week will help protect EU steel producers from the damaging effects of Chinese dumping.  

Get involved

European Commission invites citizens and organisations to give their views on Erasmus+.

The European Commission launched a public consultation to seek views on Erasmus+, the EU's flagship programme for education, training, youth and sport.