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Blog (36)

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Blog | 26 Oct 2020

In line with the European Green Deal’s goal to improve people’s health, quality of life and care for nature, the Farm to Fork Strategy addresses an essential element for people well-being: food. European food is known to be of high quality and safety. Furthermore, European food and drink manufacturing enterprises – the majority of which are SMEs – export their products to more than 200 countries. This makes the EU the world’s largest exporter of food and drink products.

Katia Costa
By Katia Costa
Blog | 30 Apr 2020

The new decade began differently than anyone could have ever expected. The abrupt and sweeping changes that we now face because of the COVID-19 crisis were impossible to foresee. Different needs, new rules, shifting priorities; we were all asked to adapt quickly to an unprecedented situation. SMEs around the world are struggling to stay afloat and to adjust to the current challenge. This is where the Enterprise Europe Network stands strong, helping companies overcome these difficult times.

Blog | 30 Sep 2019

Napoleon once said, "China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world." The giant is awake now and has already become one of the largest economies in the world. China is also large enough for us to have to do business on their terms. It’s probably one of the most foreign places we can talk about in terms of the society, behaviour and mindset of people and businesses. In order to do business with the Chinese, we need to forego our usual expectations and practices. Here are a few areas to consider.

Triin Udris
By Triin Udris
Blog | 15 Apr 2019

Intellectual Property has a strategic role as an enabling factor for competitiveness, innovation and growth. In our latest blog post, IP ambassador Marco Gorini, Head of Technology Transfer and Innovation Services at Veneto Innovazione Spa, explains what it takes to build an IP strategy, which takes into account the business development phase and specific needs of a company. He also looks at how the Enterprise Europe Network can support businesses in this crucial task. Don't miss this eye-opening post with practical tips and resources.