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Enterprise Europe Network

The export management company that advises and accompanies existing and potential exporters from Ukraine to enter international markets, looking for partners under outsoursing agreement.


Profile Type
  • Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
14 January 2025 - 14 January 2026
Company's Country
  • Ukraine
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Our company offer to clients:
• Export services.
• Cooperation with existing networks of partner companies in different countries.
• Tools needed to accomplish the task.
• Fast and efficient execution of tasks and proposed solutions.
• Research, market segmentation and strategy building.
• Preparation, substantiation and organization of all logistics (transport, warehousing) related to
export operations, as well as documentary support with recommendations for accounting and customs clearance.
Full Description
Based on its own practical experience, our company develops and implements a GLOBAL EXPORT SITE for its clients,
which will consolidate classified on exports information and at the same time offer services to provide practical
assistance to Ukrainian companies in exporting.
We provide customers with the following services:
1. Selection and evaluation of a potential export market;
2. Assessment of readiness and preparation of the company's products for further export;
3. Implementation of export operations;
4. Participation in public procurement (tenders);
5. Search for partners;
6. The global export platform (will offer Ukrainian companies digital resources, using which the
exporter will be able to independently conduct a preliminary analysis of the market that
interests him).
Advantages and Innovations
We are the team of professionals with more than ten years of experience at the international market of services in the following areas: consultancy and company's developing, export, import, transport and warehousing logistics, economics / audit, analytics and law.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Not relevant

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
1. International companies that are ready to expand and develop and want to export their own product, which are ready and striving to reach a new level in their products in Ukraine.
2. And also, Ukrainian companies that are looking for companies to cooperate with the import of certain goods to Ukraine.
We solve complex problems that our clients have encountered and help both parties grow and
develop. From our clients and partners, we need: clarity of inquiries, readiness to grow and trust in our company, because we are always for the WIN-WIN system.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 11-49
  • SME 50 - 249
  • Big company
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement


Market keywords
  • 09003005 - Consulting services
Targeted countries
  • All countries