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Italian producer of niche kind of pasta is looking for distributor and local retailer for selected high quality food products


Profile Type
  • Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
17 January 2025 - 17 January 2026
Company's Country
  • Italy
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The company is engaged in the production and distribution of Testaroli, the signature dish of
Lunigiana, a historical Italian region sitting at the foothills of Appennino. The company is looking for business partners to reach both retailers, such as single shops and supermaket’s chains and restaurants, in Europe, North America and Asia.
Full Description
The company is engaged in the production and distribution of Testaroli, the signature dish of Lunigiana, a historical Italian region sitting at the foothills of Appennino, at the meeting point between Liguria, Toscana and Emilia.
Testaroli are presented as a rounded disc of pasta, one side of which is a tone of white while the other side appears as bronze, as a result of a high-temperature and one-sided cooking process of a batter composed of flour, water and salt. Capable of being consumed either grilled and served with cold cuts and cheese, or cooked in boiling water and served with a wide variety of dressings, the product has, among the others, three distinctive key features, which make Testarolo unique not only in Italy but in the whole world:
- History and Tradition
Testaroli are the most ancient forerunners of pasta and their origin traces back to ancient times, back to the Ancient Rome. The product is indeed the result of a millenary tradition that everyday is nourish by the company’s team with extreme care and attention, constantly researching and perfecting the secret of an ancient taste
- Quality and Simplicity
The Testaroli bear an unmistakable flavour, capable of being rusty and delicate at the same time. The key to it is its simplicity. Simplicity of the ingredients, consisting of flour, water and salt, and simplicity of the method, consisting in a high-temperature and one-sided cooking process in cast-iron Testi. Furthermore, simplicity brings to the product the pure and genuine taste that makes it stand out.
- Versatility
As an ancestor of modern cuisine and being simplicity its trademark, the product brings together an outstanding versatility. Although traditionally served with oil and cheese or pesto, Testarolo is able to adapt to every recipe that is usually thought of as exclusive to pasta, thus allowing not only to rediscover Italian and international cuisine in a unique and tasteful way, but also to experiment and create with a high-quality product. Also, the short time required for its serving, significantly shorter than pasta, makes Testaroli fit perfectly both in a slow moving environment, as the one of a gourmet restaurant, and in a fast paced environment, as the kitchen of a busy working person.
The company has in time developed two different lines of work, with the idea of satisfying each and every palate:
The Classic Artisanal Testarolo, product of more than thirty years of experience on the field, result of carefully acquired craftsmanship in the preparation of the batter and in the traditional cooking method, bringing a very distinctive and authentic flavour to the table.
The Organic Testarolo of Ancient Grains, product of the outmost attention from the seed to the plate, with ancient grains cultivated by the company. An absolute gem amongst an already unique product, Testarolo of Grani Antichi, completely Organic, brings to the table a pure and unforgettable taste and fragrance.
With a present production capacity of roughly 45.000 pieces per month, capable of complying with orders up to 12.000 pieces inside and outside Italian national borders, the company is in constant motion and rapid growth, continuously investing in research and striving to improve both in production and distribution. Keeping traditional craftsmanship and a deep interest toward the utmost quality as core values, the team aims at seizing the full potential of a unique product such as Testaroli, representative of a millenary tradition, by leading it towards new markets and cultures.
The SME is looking for a business partner to reach both retailers, such as single shops and
supermaket’s chains, andrestaurants, targeting with the most suitable out of the two company’s product lines: Classic Artisanal Testarolo and Organic Testaroli of Ancient Grains which, outside of a difference in quality, slightly differ in price range (from 2,80 to 3,50 € per piece for the former and between 4 and 5 euros per piece for the latter.
Advantages and Innovations
- The Classic Artisanal Testarolo, product of more than thirty years of experience on
the field, result of carefully acquired craftsmanship in the preparation of the batter and in
the traditional cooking method, bringing a very distinctive and authentic flavour to the table.
- The Organic Testarolo of Ancient Grains, product of the utmost attention from the
seed to the plate, starting from the selection and the planting of the ancient grains
cultivated by the company, to its transformation through stone grinding and final realisation
of the product, result of a supply chain owned and controlled by the company’s team at
each and every step. An absolute gem amongst an already unique product, Testarolo of
Grani Antichi, completely Organic, brings to the table a pure and unforgettable taste and
- Artisanal Production
Result of a fine craftsmanship method
- Fully Organic
Supply chain owned and controlled by the company itself
- Brief Preparation Time
Serving time significantly shorter than pasta (roughly 2/3 minutes)
- Large Versatility
Capable to adapt to any kind of recipe, sauce or dressing either grilled or cooked in boiling
- Taste and Tradition
Pure and unique taste coming from high quality ingredients, such as Ancient Grains, and by an
ancient cooking method
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Due to the product’s peculiar qualities and versatility, the company is looking for a partner that shares the same values regarding the nature and potential of the product, and is willing to play a role in distribution, with the idea of expanding Testaroli outside of the borders.
Therefore, the company is looking for a business partner to reach both retailers, such as single shops and supermaket’s chains, restaurants and also single clients, targeting with the most suitable out of the two company’s product lines: Classic Artisanal Testarolo and Organic Testaroli of Ancient Grains which, outside of a difference in quality, slightly differ in price range (between 2,80 and 3,50 euros per piece for the former and between 4 and 5 euros per piece for the latter).
So, the ideal business partner for the company could be either an importer, looking for a guaranteed new product with huge potential, a retailer, looking for a product that can answer the customers’ call for
high-quality ingredients, tradition, organic and a craftsman production, or a restaurant, looking for a product of great history but still unknown to the market, which could allow to rewrite the menu offer by
interpreting it through a unique and tasteful key.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME <=10
  • SME 11-49
  • SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement


Market keywords
  • 07003002 - Health food
Targeted countries
  • All countries