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Portuguese SME which commercializes the Crop Growing Support System(CGSS) software for the automation of monitoring & control of sensors and agriculture systems for food crops is looking for partners to establish a Commercial Agreement.


Profile Type
  • Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
4 February 2025 - 4 February 2026
Company's Country
  • Portugal
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The main characteristics of the Crop Growing Support System(CGSS) software that the Portuguese SME offers are:
24x7 Real Time Monitoring and Control;
Measures and Listens to what the Crop has to "Say";
Prescribes Irrigation & Fertigation Rules;
Remote Scout Crop;
Integrates new & existing Sensors & Agriculture Systems;
Available API's & Data export.
The Portuguese company seeks for commercial agreements with trade companies and/or value-added resellers worldwide.
Full Description
Until today when an Irrigation Manager is determining the need for irrigation can use one of three operationally feasible methods to know when and how much water to apply (an evapotranspiration (ET) equation, a network of soil moisture sensors and/or his experience supported in knowledge of the crop).
The Crop Growing Support System (CGSS), implement a fourth methodology that exploits remote sensing by persistently measuring and indexing the plant canopy, which is the biotic integrator of the crop’s water status and health.
By applying real-time remotely sensed thermal and visual image data measurements of a crop’s canopy color and temperature and connecting the result of the analysis into the farm’s information architecture it is possible to reduce agricultural water and energy usage by the irrigation system. It will also be possible to reduce the use of fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, organic or not, by seeing precisely where they should be applied.
Using persistent, 24x7, canopy measurements result in applying only the amount and water quality and other amendments that the plant signals it needs to be healthy and provide its best quantity and/or quality.
The high rate of persistent image data measurements (every ten minutes, day and night) is the enabling factor in assessing a growing crop’s water status and health, and the large spatial coverage of image data is such that the entire crop in the field of view is measured rather than relying on interpolations of point measurement(s) to estimate the character of the crop.
The data is collected in real-time to the Cloud for processing and sends the result of the analysis as a prescription of Irrigation/Fertigation Rules to a connected smart controller of an Irrigation/Fertigation system, it will enable, at least, a 20/30% savings in water used over other assessments and transform the water savings to the reduction in the energy budgeted for irrigation. Being able to precisely see when and where other amendments are needed, will also reduce the amounts and the labor needed to apply them.
Near-real-time and archived measurements, indices, and notices are available by browsers, SMS messaging or mail. Formatted indices and alert messages can also be disseminated to anyone. Irrigation specific information may be also sent to irrigation managers.
The System, besides could be connected to an Irrigation/Fertigation system, also, have the capacity to interact and collect data from Sensors and Agriculture Systems, supporting various physical media and protocols, as well as, and according to the data collected, act on the Devices and/or Agriculture Systems, in line with the established rules and parameters.
Sustained by a Data Base engine, communicate (the data will not be trapped into the System) with other systems thru API's or Web Services, present data as information in any user-friendly device, gives the power to get better and quicker information (wiser decisions) and manage Locations, Devices, Groups and Users, as well, provide reports, graphs and alert parameters.
In 2020, a smaller visual device became part of the System portfolio.
The tuning stress and quality algorithms toward Field Crop characteristics was started.
Main Applications:
• 24 x 7 Real Time Monitoring and Control of Sensors and Agriculture Systems
• Integrates new and existing Sensors & Agriculture Systems
• Farming Facilities Monitoring
• Agriculture Fleet Monitoring
• Measures and listens to what the Crop has to "Say"
• Prescribes Irrigation & Fertigation Rules
• Pattern Recognition for Diseases & Pests
• Remote Scout Crop
• Alerts by Email, SMS, and Voice for Abnormal Events
The Portuguese company is looking for international partners to establish a commercial agreement.
Advantages and Innovations
The use of remote far-IR and visual image capture by land cameras combined with the ability to be agnostic versus most agricultural sensors and/or systems, allows that CGSS System to leverage, the following factors:
Return on grower's investment, with food production;
Helps to ensure the sustainability of the operation by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation/fertigation;
Reduction disease & pest pressures, decreasing the costs of inputs;
Improvement yield and/or quality, increasing profitability of the food crop;
Reduction of water, energy and lower inputs leading to greenhouse gas mitigation;
Reduction the investment cost and reuse existing sensors and/or agriculture systems, avoiding the creation of waste, through the integration capability.
Compared to others systems based in thermal and visual image capture, (drones and satellites), the CGSS overcome the following limitations:
Use inside greenhouses;
Adverse atmospheric conditions;
Need of a local operator.
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 13: Climate Action
  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger
  • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The partner sought are trade companies and Value Added Resellers (VAR's), worldwide (exception: China, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Sudan and Syria) integrated in the agribusiness market, willing to enlarge their product portfolio to its national/regional area of influence.
The trade companies should have a good interaction with the market (the involvement of an agronomist is a plus), and have medium IT (Information Technology) expertise.
Should have competences to present, sell, install the System and provide services of training, maintenance and 1st line technical support after the installation.
The Value Added Resellers, besides the above competences, should have a premium IT expertise, as well, the capability to complement the system with additional systems (irrigation/fertigation, wastewater treatment, etc.) to enlarge the scope of the presented solution.
Due to its internationalization strategy, the company decided that right way to achieve it, is to create a partners network, that should bring a win/win situation for all the stakeholders, avoiding the office installation costs, reducing time-to-market and other barriers, such as, language, business culture and expatriated human resources.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 11-49
  • SME <=10
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement


Technology keywords
  • 01003024 - Cloud Technologies
  • 01003023 - Environmental and Biometrics Sensors, Actuators
  • 01003008 - Data Processing / Data Interchange, Middleware
  • 01003025 - Internet of Things
  • 01003012 - Imaging, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition
Market keywords
  • 02006007 - Databases and on-line information services
  • 02007007 - Applications software
  • 02007015 - Integrated software
Targeted countries
  • All countries
