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Spanish company specialized in high-performance carbon nanostructures, and advanced sustainable carbons development; offers its technology under R&D or commercial with technical assistance agreements , to partners developing new products or procesess.


Profile Type
  • Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
26 June 2024 - 26 June 2025
Company's Country
  • Spain
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement with technical assistance
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Spanish company solutions based on thermochemical processes, allow clients to determine, recycled and recovery industrial waste valorizations lines for the development of high valuable carbon based biomaterials for different applications. Company seeks partners willing to collaborate in tasks comprising activities from waste characterization, technology selection, trials, pilots, demos and industry integration.
Full Description
As a start up focused on the development of new sustainable, advance materials, the company activities have been designed for fulfilling industrial and agrifood clients needs; helping them to valorize their industrial waste and subproducts. Companies willing to upgrade their circular and sustainable process and products, in order to transition to greener and economically viable alternatives, through efficient valorization developments are their main focus.

With less than two years of existence,the founder team has already stablished a wide collaborartive partner network at national level and its willing to increase its market reach through new partnerships.
With a tech platform and equipment already set for designing new products and processes at pilot scale, their main line of valorisation and expertise is oriented to developments of high-performance carbon nanostructures – advanced sustainable carbons, including electrochemical applications for batteries, supercapacitors and cells– from biomass originating from the agri-food sector.

Combining mid-intensive thermal process and integrating different physico-chemical methods, the company offers its technlogy platform and expertise for collaboration under r&d or commercial with technical assistance agreements.
Advantages and Innovations
Advanced material market's future shows a possitive growth trend and contains multiple tech roadmaps associated with different industries and applications. The recent 2030 European materials manifesto highlights the desired trends to a more greener material industry. Advance carbon materials are on the right path to comply with the 2030 european goals.

Company technology innovation allows the design and manufacturing of new advanced materials obtained from biomass valorization combined with sustainable technologies combination (thermical treatment, chemical activations..).

Innovative products:

*High performance carbons or activated carbons. More than 4000m2/gr SSA, optimal balance between meso and micropores, high proportion of heteroatoms and high capacitance.
* Personalized, adhoc biochar and functionalized hydrochar

Process advantages:

*Low energy consumption. Hidrothermal treatments (180-250ºC) vs industrial pyrolisis (800-900ºC). ) both MW asisted.
* Quick chemical activation.
* Low life cycle impact.
* Reduced carbon emissions.
* Contribution to sustainable development trends.
Stage of Development
  • Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
IPR description
The company is seeking collaborators in different but related areas:
1) Battery and supercapacitor manufacturers interested in testing the advantages of using an excellent bio-based advanced carbon,
2) Companies in the agri-food sector looking to expand their business model towards biomass valorization.
3) Agents, companies, and institutions with prior knowledge in valorization processes, bioproducts, and new material applications..

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Regarding new products design and manufacturing the company looks for collaborators coming from the biomaterialas and circular supply and value chains:
* Capable of providing different biomass materials, agrifood subproducts, industrial wastes. With characterization and/or feasibilty studies experience.
* With experience and knowledge of biomass valorization processes, compatible/comparable thermal treatments, operating equipments, trials and scale up design design and execution.
* Partners from advance materials industrial sectors actively implied with waste management, byproducts reduce, sustainable/circular design. Partners should help to co-desing new material manufacturing process, test new materials or provide input for trials and further industrial research.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 50 - 249
  • Other
  • SME <=10
  • University
  • R&D Institution
  • SME 11-49
  • Big company
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement with technical assistance
  • Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
  • 02001 - Design and Modelling / Prototypes
  • 02007005 - Composite materials
  • 10003004 - Recycling, Recovery
  • 10003002 - Incineration and Pyrolysis
  • 02007020 - Biobased materials
Market keywords
  • 08001005 - Other fabricated plastics
  • 08003007 - Other industrial equipment and machinery
  • 08001009 - Speciality/performance materials: producers and fabricators
  • 06003009 - Biomass and Biofuels
Sector Groups Involved
  • Agri-Food
  • Energy-Intensive Industries
Targeted countries
  • All countries