Success stories (76)
Thanks to the Enterprise Europe Network’s in-depth knowledge of EU-funded projects, an Austrian research centre seeking partners for a geo-monitoring project found a Norwegian company specialised in survey systems and solutions.
Since 2006, all new trucks and buses in the EU have had to carry digital tachographs, devices that record speed, distance and driver activity. That same year in Verona, Italy, former software architect and project manager Dr Claudio Carrano founded Infogestweb.
The Enterprise Europe Network matches a UK developer of executive training courses with a Czech partner.
Two SMEs brought together by the Enterprise Europe Network cooperate across borders to develop a computer-controlled automatic timer.
When Italian entrepreneurs Cristina and Irma Tolin needed high quality products for their home textile business, the Enterprise Europe Network helped them find exclusive suppliers in Portugal.
When a bright and enthusiastic start up came along with a life-saving idea to provide clean water, Italian network partners joined forces to provide an extra-specialised service.
The European Enterprise Network helps a UK wine importer find the perfect wine to accompany Indian and Nepalese cuisine in the Spanish region of Rioja.
It looks like a weighing machine and measures the distribution of foot pressure. Thanks to the Enterprise Europe Network, the Plantograf developed by a Czech University has found a Spanish partner to fine-tune its invention.