Success stories (28)
Thanks to two micro-companies brought together by the Enterprise Europe Network, there is now a new range of wildlife identification apps for smartphones and tablets.
NeuroProof was established in 2007 as a spinoff of the University of Rostock's animal physiology department in northern Germany. Its founders, Alexandra Gramowski and Olaf Schröder, have won international recognition for research that may lead to the development of new pain-relief drugs.
EU funding helped German firm CRM float new ideas, thanks to the Enterprise Europe Network.
Danish entrepreneur Martin Dufresne is a man with a mission: to persuade homeowners in his country to invest in high-quality wooden patio decking made in Germany. After teaming up with a supplier found through the Enterprise Europe Network, he is building his business.
A German travel agency serving people with disabilities finds a suitable holiday destination in Greece with help from the Enterprise Europe Network.
A visit to a research lab in Germany arranged by the Enterprise Europe Network opens new doors for a Finnish health technology SME.
Research partners brought together by the Enterprise Europe Network are developing an ICT platform for the forestry sector.
An Irish developer of a hand-hygiene innovation for hospitals lands a German distributor with help from the Enterprise Europe Network.