Success stories (14)
Swedish SME expands into Bulgaria with expert guidance from the Enterprise Europe Network.
Innovative Swedish SME finds Lithuanian partner to bring its energy-saving innovation to the Baltic region.
Energy-efficiency SMEs plug into new business opportunities across Europe.
Dutch green-energy entrepreneurs build a sustainable partnership with a UK solar panel manufacturer.
British smart bandages support Dutch athletes thanks to a speedy Network reaction.
A UK executive training and coaching company pursues new growth in Central and Eastern Europe thanks to the Network.
Swedish SME Dala Tekniska turned to the Network for help in finding Icelandic distributors for its rescue equipment.
A Scottish spirits start-up makes a splash by getting advice on intellectual property and product development from the Network.
A top UK design company finds the expertise it needs in the Czech Republic's oldest glass factory thanks to the Network's local contacts.
Enterprise Europe Network recruits a museum for an EU-funded research project that will use state-of-the-art technology to delve below the surface of ancient artefacts.