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Doing business in Vietnam: exploring opportunities in the local agrifood sector
Doing business in Vietnam: exploring opportunities in the local agrifood sector

Webinar | 04 APR 2024 10:00 - 11:15

Embracing Global Markets Webinar Series

The webinar series ‘Embracing global markets’ supports European small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups to innovate and expand in Asia, Africa and the Americas. The webinars are hosted by experts of various European Commission services and the 'Enterprise Europe Network', the world's largest business service provider.

Who should attend?

The webinar is conceived for European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups (ready to scale internationally), beneficiaries or holders of seals of excellence of the European Innovation Council, European clusters and cluster managers, business advisers of the Enterprise Europe Network and other European business support organisations, including all stakeholders of the ‘Friends of EEN’ initiative.


The webinar will offer an overview on the Vietnamese Agrifood sector.

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the sector's landscape, including its growth potential, key players, and regulatory import framework based on EU-Vietnamese free trade agreement. This will be crucial for European companies to navigate the Vietnamese business environment effectively.

The webinar will also explore exciting commercial opportunities with regard to the rising local demand for quality food products and technologies to adopt sustainable farming practices.


Julien Guerrier
  • Ambassador of the European Union to Vietnam
Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam

H.E. Mr Julien Guerrier has 29 years of experience in the European public sector including work on international trade negotiations, industrial and research policy, and corporate management. He is currently Ambassador of the European Union to Vietnam.
  • Executive Director
French Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

As the Director of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adam leads a team of professionals who provide business services and support to French and European companies operating in and with Vietnam.
  • Partner
MLR Constantin

Dr. Rémi Nguyen is a partner at MLR Constantin, a firm headquartered in Hanoi and HCMC, specializing in risk advisory, compliance, accounting, tax, and audit services.
Laurent NGUYEN
  • Partner

With over 15 years of experience in professional services, Laurent is a Partner at Mazars who has been in Vietnam for 10 years advising foreign investors of various size and sectors from market entry, operating to exit stages.
Julien TRAN
  • Country Manager, Vietnam
Rosemont Business Asia

With over 10 years of legal experience in Paris, New Caledonia,
Reunion Island and Vietnam within law firms, Julien is the Vietnam’s country manager at RBA.
Philippe Perruchot
  • Business Developer

Entrepreneur specialised in the production and distribution of agrifood products in Vietnam for 30 years. Philippe owns a well-known Food Retail & Production chain, and has been rewarded with the medal of Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit by the French government in 2023.
Spyros Kellidis
  • Enterprise Europe Network Internationalisation Adviser

Spyros has extensive expertise in the Agrifood Sector and holds the position of Chairman of the Agrifood group of experts within the Enterprise Europe Network.
Sign up for upcoming webinars

Check Embracing Global Markets Webinar Series page for more information