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Enterprise Europe Network

Beaz is a public company of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia which aims to support enterprises and entrepreneurs in their efforts to create new projects, innovate and internationalise.

A goal that lines up with the Provincial Department of Economic and Territorial Development, on which we directly depend: to contribute to the growth of economic activity and the creation of qualified jobs.

To that end, we participate in the definition and management of aid programmes granted by the Department to support an entrepreneurial path whose starting point is the creation of new companies, and its consolidation the final objective.

In this process, we manage various aids that support the implementation of innovative enterprises, the development of projects with high added value, technological or not, as well as innovation, internationalisation and investment.

We also offer a range of services to support entrepreneurship, which are based on the experience and constant work of the internal innovation within Beaz, aiming to add value to businesses and entrepreneurs of Bizkaia.

Likewise, we promote through partnerships with other organisations and networks of incubators, intra-entrepreneurship, acceleration, mentoring or inter-company collaboration, without forgetting the information and dissemination services.

Created in 1987, we have daily contact with SMEs and entrepreneurs throughout the province of Bizkaia. A background that nourishes us and that we try to be useful to everyone.

Contact point in Bilbao (Spain)
Avenida Sabino Arana, 8
+34 944395622
+34 688609016