ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação, S.A. is the National Innovation Agency of Portugal and its mission is catalysing and boosting innovation in Portugal.
ANI aims to:
Promote collaboration between entities of the Scientific and Technological System and the business world;
Increase international programme participation by the national Science & Technology System's companies and entities, in order to promote their skills, competences and results;
Fund I&D - Innovation & Development, by managing a set of R&D instruments and innovation incentives;
Empower and value innovation, contributing to the consolidation of the NIS - National Innovation System;
Publicise, nationally and internationally, innovation success cases in Portugal.
ANI will lead its activity following three major national objectives:
1- Energy Transition - contributing to decarbonisation;
2- Digital Transition - promoting technological efficiency.
3 - Cohesion - contributing to a balanced territorial development.
- Address
Rua de Salazares 842
Porto 4149-002
- Phones
+351 214232100+351 226167836
- Website
- Address
Campus Do Lumiar, Ed. O, 1º Estrada Do Paço Do Lumiar
Lisboa 1649-038
- Phones
+351 214232100
- Website