Sport represents an integral part of the lives of millions of Europeans. Support for sport builds community cohesion, grows social inclusion and leads to an enhanced sense of European identity. Sport is also a key facet of Member States and the larger European economies: the sector employs millions of European citizens and adds billions in revenue.
Promoting new initiatives for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to acquire additional skills, abilities and new opportunities for international partnerships in this context is even more crucial.
A Network pilot action
In 2023 the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will promote a joint calendar of free business events (e.g., B2B, workshops, learning opportunities) focused on the sports ecosystem in the framework of important international sports events, among others.
The Network will organise 6 international B2B events and at least 5 thematic workshops/training courses open to all European SMEs and free of charge.
Companies that will successfully participate in at least 2 Network events during the year will compete for a special Final EEN Prize in Turin, in November 2023, during the ATP Finals Tennis.
What are our goals?
The pilot action aims at achieving different goals:
- Mobilize business actors of the sport ecosystem
- Create international business opportunities
- Exchange of good practices
- Award successful SMEs that will have distinguished themselves during the planned activities with a dedicated Enterprise Europe Network Prize
- Transnational visibility
Join the competition
A special ceremony will take place during the ATP Finals Tennis in Torino, November 2023, to select the winners of the dedicated Network Prize.
For the 3 finalist companies:
- Enterprise Europe Network Prize: plaque and visibility on national and European central channels
- For non-Piedmontese companies: travel reimbursement and one night for the final ceremony in Turin, Italy
Don’t miss this opportunity!
Enterprise Europe Network Sport Itinerary 2023 calendar
01-31 March 2023: Cycling Europe B2B/Workshop
Dusseldorf, Germany
16-17 March 2023: MBM Tourism B2B
Prague, Czech Republic
19-21 May 2023:
Eductour Sport&Food, company mission
Aosta, Italy
05-07 June 2023:
Islands of Innovation Matchmaking Event - Sports, Tourism and Social Innovation B2B
Azzorres, Portugal
28-29-30 June 2023:
Torino Fashion Match 2023 B2B
Torino, Italy
29 June - 1 July 2023:
Sport Unlimitech to Perf
Paris, France
30 June 2023:
Ocean Race B2B
Genova, Italy
13 November 2023
Sport, CHE IMPRESA! Workshop and Enterprise Europe Network Award Sport Itinerary 2023
Events planned for 2024
- Mountain Planet B2B, Rhone- Alpes, France
- Twitch Live Show Battle of physiotherapy EEN Sport Edition, Madrid, Spain