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  • News article
  • 12 September 2022

How is your business coping with supply-chain disruptions caused by COVID-19?


In recent months, the coronavirus pandemic has affected supply chains and impacted companies, industries and goods. This has caused an unseen global economic slowdown.

COVID-19 is taking a toll on business activities, in particular on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), often leading to supply chain disruptions.

Survival depends on knowing how to navigate these disruptions.

The European Commission and the Enterprise Europe Network join forces

The European Commission, with the support of the Enterprise Europe Network, is calling on European SMEs to share their experiences of how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting them.

A questionnaire for SMEs is available online. Businesses can provide their input and share how they are coping with the effects of the crisis.

More specifically, the survey focuses on supply chain disruptions and on how SMEs can get support in relation to supply chain disruptions.

The survey is anonymous and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

Contribute to EU policies for recovery

The purpose of this initiative is to gather timely information that will help the European Commission to calibrate its recovery policies.

The EU Rapid Alert Function will use the collected responses to address supply chain related problems of European companies.

Get help and support for your business

In addition, SMEs participating in the survey can ask for further support by existing European business support networks. To do so, companies can provide their contact emails at the end of the survey.

Personal data will remain confidential, in line with the specific privacy statement.