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Enterprise Europe Network

Building Cloud Infrastructure


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
22 January 2024 - 21 January 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Slovak company operating in the industrial field, particularly in technology, digitalization and automation, offers its digitalization solutions to foreign companies seeking to improve their factory processes and workflow. The company offers help with building a complete Cloud structure to companies in EU and non EU countries under commmercial agreeement with technical assistance.
Full Description
The well established company with more than 30 years of experience in flame monitoring system, in machine and robot safety, digitalization and automation is looking for partners. The company offers help with building a complete Cloud structure.

The benefits of cloud infrastructure depend on regional coverage of company.
If the company is global, the major issue is the response time of the application. While a US server works fine for the US, the delay for European or Asian countries might be beyond their acceptance level. It is essential to have a scalable solution that distributes company´s platform across the world, identifying and locating customers and forwarding them to the closest datacentre. Another requirement that should be managed is not exporting private data out of a region (e.g. GDPR based), while still providing access to critical business information.
If the company is a local player, it observe demand peaks that can cover even hundreds of thousands of users at a time, but the demand for services drops close to zero at night. Dynamic resource allocation helps company to scale up/down the resources based on real-time needs. This not only saves money, but also the energy typically wasted by conventional platforms. Don’t pay for infrastructure, while your customers are sleeping.

The company offers its solutions to a global or a local companies which are looking for a ways to be more efficient, save money and want to digitize their working and production processes and build a cloud structure. The company is looking for EU and non EU companies and offers commercial agreement with technical assistance.
Advantages and Innovations
Dynamic resource allocation
Performance optimisation
Power savings
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The company offers its solutions to a global or a local companies which are looking for a ways to be more efficient, save money and want to digitize their working and production processes and build a cloud structure.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME <=10SME 50 - 249SME 11-49
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
01003024 - Cloud Technologies
Market keywords
02006009 - Other computer services
Targeted countries
All countries