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Catalan Social Economy Enterprise is looking for Social Integration Enterprises that work with vulnerable people to develop a social innovation methodology of labour integration business models to promote quality employment in Europe.


Profile Type
Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
15 January 2024 - 14 January 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The main goal is to benchmark, co-create and pilot innovative models that enhance job opportunities for vulnerable people through innovation practices. The social enterprise is building a consortium to submit an Erasmus + call for proposals on March 22nd.
Full Description
Faced with the significant social, economic and environmental consequences derived from the global crises caused by Covid-19, new challenges appear at the employment level. Sustainable and Digital transitions need to be embraced in new business models that offer job opportunities. In this context, Social Integration Enterprises play a very prominent role, but innovation needs to be fostered and strengthen, since these enterprises accompany people in vulnerable situations to access the labour market guaranteeing their comprehensive learning of skills and adaptation to the requirements of the labour market.
Therefore, the project is looking to consolidate in 2,5 years across 3 countries, a network of exchange and practice in Europe on innovative practices in the field of social labour integration, in order to identify new business models and pilot new concepts in each local market based on local market needs and skills.
Advantages and Innovations
One of the main advantages is the possibility to work together across different countries, contexts and cultures with the same goal: to transfer innovations across regions in order to improve the working opportunities given to the vulnerable communities through the development of new employment opportunities and business models.
It will also develop an innovative methodology that allows work integration social enteprises to improve their internal processes capacities to foster inclusive employment in transformative industries.
Stage of Development
Concept stage
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 10: Reduced InequalityGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 1: No PovertyGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
IPR description
Catalan company is looking for a Social Integration Enterprise that works with vulnerable people, interested in or developer of innovative practices of business models. The goal is to build a consortium for a Cooperation Partnership Erasmus call.
The proposal is in a conceptual stage, where work packages are being defined. Such as:
⎯ Benchmarking–Diagnosis of labour market opportunities in transformative sectors of products and services related to the new European Agenda: Green Deal, digital transitions, Environmental sustainability, etc.
⎯ Development of an innovative methodology to generate new business lines with its identification and testing. Offering employment opportunities in transformative fields in each local context.
⎯ To create a supporting network that disseminates and scales the innovative methodology.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The Catalan Social Integration Entreprise acts as coordinator of the proposal.
Project partners should:
- Attend the transnational meetings
- Contribute with ideas and experiences of employment innovation
- Participate in or lead work packages
- Apply pilot innovations in their local contexts
- Build a network of support partners at their local level
- Participate from the design of the methodology that will be disseminated.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
Call title and identifier
Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Project duration in weeks
Web link to the call…


Technology keywords
11002 - Education and Training11004 - Technology, Society and Employment11008 - Creative services11001 - Socio-economic models, economic aspects11006 - Citizens participation
Market keywords
07005004 - Education and educational products and materials07006 - Other Consumer Related (not elsewhere classified)07005006 - Other consumer services (including photo processing)02007025 - Consulting services
Sector Groups Involved
RetailCreative IndustriesTextilesProximity & Social Economy
Targeted countries
All countries
