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Catalan social enterprise is looking for partners with expertise on elderly care, from France and Portugal, to present an Interreg Sudoe project about capacity losing prevention


Profile Type
Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
22 May 2024 - 22 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
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General information

Short Summary
The idea of the project is to be able to detect early decline in intrinsic capacities, regardless of whether there is a pathology (pathological aging) or if such loss of capacities is due to the natural life cycle (biological aging). This detection will be carried out through various methodologies, including the use of new technologies as a tool for early detection.
Full Description
Nowadays, the quality of life provision system for the elderly is not always focused on promoting the quality of life of the elderly, but is focused on alleviating the consequences of dependency. Even so, the scientific evidence confirms that those services planned for people with “preventive” profile, in other words, who are beginning or about to begin the decline in their level of autonomy, ate the ones with the most assistance and improvement potential of quality of life they have. This leads to difficulties from the perspective of agents who create and provide services:
- Who are the services for? There is no standardized methodology to determine what a “preventive” profile is.
- How to connect services with the elderly, at the time when it is the most useful for them (before the decline in the level of autonomy given by aging)? There are no mechanisms for early detection of the aging process.
These difficulties necessarily lead to the search for models of social and health care that focus their efforts on the quality of life of the elderly (care centered on the person), in addition to the vision focused on specific pathologies that currently exists.

Main activities of the project:
1. Towards a community-based detection
In order to answer those questions: How do we detect these cases? What methods we count on? Are they enough? How we can implement technology for this goal? How we combine all data/information?
1.1. Workshop process to find experts’ opinions and previous experiences.
1.2. Human to human testing, for the detection of preventive situations of dependency
1.3. Testing with sensors
1.4. Other methodologies with local solutions alredy under study or use
1.5. Comparative study of methodologies, conclusions and debate process
2. Towards a diagnosis based on intrinsic capacities
In order to answer those questions: How we organize the manpower and recources to provide a wellness and personal autonomy-centered diagnosis of elder people? How do we diagnose the elderly? Based on saving lives (only), or also on quality of life and active aging?
2.1. Referral of detected persons in phase 1, to an in-depth diagnosis.
2.2. Creation of a diagnosis team, within the framework of the Primary Care, specialized in preventive cases of the elderly.
2.3. Piloting a service that comprehensively adresses the diagnosis and proposal of solutions

3. Towards person-based services and solutions
In order to answer those questions: What is the circuit that this person follows, once diagnosed? Which tools are available for the professionals to maintain autonomy levels of elder people? How to assign those solutions, based on experts opinion and the preferences of the users?
3.1. Research and creation of an inventory of solutions
3.2. Establishment of a group of experts for the assignment of solutions
3.3. Monitoring and study of the effectiveness of the different proposed solutions

4. Evaluation of return based on the 3 blocks, to evaluate the potential effect on manpower use and financial expenses.
4.1. Modelizing a frame to retrieve data on the economics scheme, and the expenses engaged v the results after the implementation.
4.2. Create a frame to obtain statistical result.
Stage of Development
Under development
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
We’re looking for partners from Portugal and France, with similar or complementary expertise on social and/or health fields, related to elderly care.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME 11-49R&D InstitutionOtherSME 50 - 249SME <=10University
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
Call title and identifier
Interreg Sudoe - Second Call
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Web link to the call


Technology keywords
01004001 - Applications for Health03004011 - Care, Hygiene, Beauty06001005 - Diagnostics, Diagnosis11001 - Socio-economic models, economic aspects
Market keywords
05010001 - Safety for the elderly
Sector Groups Involved
HealthProximity & Social Economy
Targeted countries