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Company offers expertise in food processing in marine products to develop industrial projects


Profile Type
  • Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
24 April 2024 - 24 April 2025
Company's Country
  • France
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The company is a consulting and research company in food processing with sound and recognized expertise in marine products. It has a large experience in food processing for different raw materials (fish, seaweeds, microalgae, insects, fruits).
Full Description
It is involved in several industrial projects to develop new ingredients for nutraceuticals, food, feed or fertilizers, most of these projects aiming at commissioning new industrial units.

The company has already carried out more than 150 projects in the field of fish, microalgae, vegetable, insect or plants processing. It has enabled the construction of several industrial units in France and abroad. In addition, the company regularly takes part in collaborative projects with other partners, such as a major marine biomass valorization project recently entrusted to us by UNIDO.

The company can support the project from the preliminary and strategic study, development of process at the laboratory scale until the implementation of pilot tests and the industrial scale up. They offer experience and assistance for the development of a new process for byproducts processing, including:
- Evaluation of the raw material and potential applications
- Lab tests to validate process, evaluate composition of final products and estimate yields
- Technical and economical approach: Study of the equipment required for large production, evaluation of costs of investment (CAPEX) and production (OPEX), evaluation of the ROI (return on investment)
- Pilot production to obtain samples and test market
- Industrial study: defining the specifications for supplier tenders, taking into account the regulations relating to the hygiene, production and marketing of the ingredients developed, study of the offers of suppliers; Making the implementation plans of the process line.
Advantages and Innovations
The company has a great experience in processes related to the production of insect larvae (preparation of substrates, breeding, pilot studies, industrialization) and the extraction of various nutritional compounds of interest, the protein phase, the lipid phase and chitin.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Goal 13: Climate Action
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger
IPR description
The company has extensive experience in extraction, fractionation, purification and drying processes, and in particular in enzymatic processes.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Its extensive knowledge of agri-food processes and their implementation up to the industrial stage may be of interest for partners who have biomasses to valorize and have facilities for production of ingredients or finished products.
The company can also collaborate with partners who bring market and end-product knowledge, and others who can validate the regulation, certification and marketing aspects.

In other words, the company could partner with:
- production companies with non valorized by-products
- research centers with little industrial experience,
- start-ups,
- producers of ingredients and finished products for human consumption
- Small and medium-sized companies with no R&D department or little expertise in food processing.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 11-49
  • R&D Institution
  • SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
  • 04005006 - Solid biomass
  • 06002004 - Protein Engineering
  • 08001004 - Food Processing
  • 06002003 - Enzyme Technology
Market keywords
  • 05008002 - Food and feed ingredients
  • 05009001 - Food & feed ingredients
  • 04007 - Enzymology/Protein Engineering/Fermentation
  • 06003009 - Biomass and Biofuels
  • 05008001 - Marine products
Targeted countries
  • All countries