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Czech company seeking supplier of radiation and heat-resistant wiring and insulation (covering) coat


Profile Type
Technology request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
16 October 2023 - 15 October 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A major nuclear engineering company in the Czech Republic seeks a European company able to provide a supply of special heat-resistant and radiation-resistant wire with a special isolation system.
The technology need consists of:
- Coil winding wire
- Coil connection wire
- Coil winding covering coat/sealing
Full Description
In the past, the company used a kind of wire developed during the last century for the rocket launcher industry. This long-used wire is unavailable on the market at this moment.

The requirements for the wire are very specific. The coils wound from the required wire (including the covering coat/sealing) will be exposed to hydrogen and helium atmosphere of temperature about 325 °C, for around 40 years. The expected total absorbed radiation dose over the 40-year time is 4*10^6 Gy.

Electrical characteristics:
- Material: copper or copper alloy
- Resistance approx.: R = 0,019 Ω*mm^2/m
- Breakdown voltage: VBR < 100 V

Winding wire:
- nominal core diameter approx.: d = 0,3 mm
- diameter of wire including the isolation: d < 0,5 mm

Connecting (jumper) wire:
- nominal core diameter approx.: d = 0,5 mm
- diameter of wire including the isolation: d < 0,8 mm

Similar types or dimensions are subject to discussion. Wires’ isolation must be compatible with the covering coat/sealing. The covering coat/sealing should not degrade in any way over time, withstanding the environment stated above. The coat/sealing shall be applied:
- on the coil frame,
- on each of the wiring layers during coil winding
- for overall reinforcement and covering of the coil
The mean diameter of the coil core: d = 9 mm.

In the current situation, The company would like to select a potentially suitable sample and get the testing batch in over the next 4 months. Then, type certification/qualification of the supply should take place over the next 6 months. Subsequently, the product will be deployed in operation.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
IPR description
They seek companies with experience in the rocket launcher industry, nuclear power construction or any other related fields supplying products for extreme environments which are extremely reliable and secure for longer periods and, to a degree, custom-made and specific.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
It is expected to supply a high-quality product with relevant experiences in the supply of products for extreme environments. Potentially valuable would be: Technical Consultation, joint Product Development or Customization, Quality Assurance.
Type and Size of Partner
R&D InstitutionSME 11-49UniversitySME 50 - 249Big company
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
10001005 - Radiation Protection04002009 - Turbines04004 - Nuclear Fission / Nuclear Fusion10002004 - Climate Change mitigation
Market keywords
06002002 - Nuclear08005 - Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)
Targeted countries
All countries