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Digital Therapeutics Platform (DTx) for mental health; offers its innovative solutions for women health oriented programmes.


Profile Type
  • Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
5 December 2024 - 5 December 2025
Company's Country
  • Spain
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement
  • Commercial agreement
  • Supplier agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Spanish based company, offers its mental health platform solution focused in digital therapy and psychological support services delivery; for partners willing to collaborate in advanced digital health care services based in AI/ML technologies.
Full Description
Born amid the post pandemia recovery process, the spanish young company founded in response to women mental health services amelioration needs, has developed a digital therapy platform. With an structure and design that facilitates the integration of AI/ML modules, the platform allows phsysicians for a continuous assesment, diagnosis and treatmen of patients on one side as well as improved access to mental health professionals and care delivery solutions for patients.

Offering a digital and secure space with digital tools (questionaires, evaluation assesments, continous monitoring), the platform facilitates patient-therapist interactions under flexible and efficient pathways capable to provide care to different users/mental health experts and clients/patients, following differtent therapies and approaches to mental health.

Therapy sessions, exercises and activities are selected for personalized and adjustable digital care provision, under a friendly app/web/cloud processes integration, bringing an innovative 360 solution for women mental health services provision.

Following an internet and digitally enabled internationalisation strategy, the company wants to access and consolidate new markets building collaborations or setting partnerships and alliances with mental health associations and experts, e-health solutions developers and professional health provider institutions.

Regarding patient care process and patient mental conditions, company offers support for new digital solution developments with clinical validation and digital patient care delivery model setting and devices integration.

For collaborations with e health solutions/medical devices developers, company seeks commercial agreements in order to provide support to their patients including the collaborator device data integration under a new development of their model.

Agreements are of special interest for the company with entities already engaged in femtech technological solutions for women's health managers and developers.

Collaboration under commercial or investment agreements is sought with selected partners.
Advantages and Innovations
The company mental health platform brings an innovative digital solution for mental health care. Considering the “digital health,” “digital medicine,” and “digital therapeutics” (DTx), evolution scale, their platform solution is oriented to become a novel mental health disease treatemt option.
Combining several common digital technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning,
the platform provides digital health services focused in women specific problems.

With a care selection of psychotherapist and a well designed IT architecture, the company services are able in a continuous and highly accesible way, combining direct access to experts with privacy under a secure space and flexible delivery.

Advantages can be sum up under the digital functionalities and user/client orientation:

Patients registry, activities, exercises, assesment and evaluation tools allow therapist to set and
prepare sessions for better patient care and continuous support.

Treatment times are reduced increasing efficiency while providing flexible advance and patient-
therapist interaction efficacy.

Considering new digital health infrastructures/spaces (for medicine, nursing and healthcare) the platform adavantages are:

Develop and mantain digital health expenses efficiency.
Control, monitoring and cross integrations of treatments, allowing for costs reduction.
Tailored solutions for digital health.
Integration of deep data analysis and AI/ML tools for software as a service validations.
Integration with on site operations.
State of the art personal and medical information management.

The innovative platform offers a new approach for increasing patient centered health care, gathering evidence for value based treatments and real world evaluation setting.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 5: Gender Equality
IPR description
Physicians or mental health experts with patient care amelioration solutions in clinical validation stage.
IT specialist, developers, with knowledge or experience in digital mental health solutions or digital services development knowledge. experienced in desing, development and integration of new data solutions. Special knowledge on patient adherence, patient experience amelioration process, data visualization, big data management, machine learning and AI integrations will be of value.
Women health oriented, technical solutions designers.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Preferred partners for commercial collaboration are mental health associations, mental health experts and service providers, willing to ameliorate patient care through digital solutions, partners are expected to help in model design, patient engagement and clinical validation processes.

Commercial agreement is also sought for partners as e-health developers, already working in new digital health products/devices oriented to clients/patients of similar or related disease conditions. Partners with product or services designed under digital health premises and oriented to wellbeing, health provision or digital therapy will be preferred. Partners are expected to collaborate in device and solutions integration and new care delivery model design.

In the case of femtech product and services managers or devlopers, commercial collaboration is sought with partners with integrable solutions. Partner will be expected to help in device integration and new patient care journey design.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME <=10
  • R&D Institution
  • Other
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement
  • Commercial agreement
  • Supplier agreement


Technology keywords
  • 01003003 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • 01003015 - Knowledge Management, Process Management
  • 01004001 - Applications for Health
  • 01003008 - Data Processing / Data Interchange, Middleware
Market keywords
  • 05001007 - Other diagnostic
  • 05003001 - Therapeutic services
  • 05007006 - Computer-aided diagnosis and therapy
  • 05005022 - Other clinical medicine
Sector Groups Involved
  • Health
  • Digital
  • Proximity & Social Economy
Targeted countries
  • All countries