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A Dutch developer and designer of VR and AR learning tools is looking for partners for their consortium who can support them to create, monitor and validate biometric datasets their VR and AR learning and training tools


Profile Type
Technology request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
23 November 2023 - 22 November 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Dutch developer and designer of VR and AR learning tools for developing (soft) skills for different educational purposes is looking for partners for their consortium who can support them to create, monitor and validate biometric datasets that can proof the positive learning effects of their VR and AR learning and training tools. Collaboration is offered in the framework of a research and development cooperation agreement or Technical cooperation agreement.
Full Description
Todays learning methods are outdated.They are mostly based on old theories and assumptions. With these methods there is no possibility to track the learning performance and retention in each step of the learning process. What activates the brain and what not and how can we influence maximum brain activity and the memory.

What do they want to research
The Dutch company wants to measure learning performance in detail on students while they use (their) VR learning modules. They measure engagement, emotional intensity, memory and attention on left / right brain, eye tracking and pupil enlargement.

In relation to the VR learning modules they focus on knowledge transfer and (soft)skills of shortage professions in the technical, construction field that help to realize the goals mentioned in the Paris climate treaty and safety in relation to this field. Here an example of one of their VR-learning tools: 

A study of PWC ( shows tremendous learning improvement.
The goal is to reduce learning time, loss of learnings provided in the VR module and provide maximum (guaranteed) retention for students with all kinds of background

How can they realize this
The Dutch company uses biometric hardware like EEG scanners, eyetracking, smart watches to retrieve data from the user. While students from all kinds of backgrounds use the VR and AR tools, they will retrieve data using biometric hardware and software. EEG scanner, smart watches and eye-tracking devices will help them to retrieve data as brain activity, eye movement, pupil enlargement, heart rate and blood pressure. Experts from different fields help them interpret and label the retrieved data to generate a reliable dataset

The dataset provides insight of how the users absorb the information of the VR-learning module. From the data the Dutch company wants to learn:

- What part of the learnings activates the brain and the memory and what part not?

- What they measure representative for that specific individual or for a group of student?

- What is the relation is there between brain activity, memory, eye movement, pupil enlargement, heart rate and blood pressure?
- With these insights the Dutch company wants to optimize our VR learning modules continuously!

At this moment their consortium consisits the following partners:
- The Vocational Colleges (secondary vocational education) of The Hague, Rotterdam and Amsterdam
- Serbian VR developer
- a Dutch National Platfom of Talent and Technology
- the municipality of Rotterdam and the Hague

They are looking for a sustainable collaboration with partners that provides a disruptive way of education and training in which the consortium continuously adapts to the newest hardware, software and insights retrieved from brain activity, eye movement, pupil enlargement, heart rate and blood pressure data. The following expertise:
- provider of hardware eeg scanners

- data scientist / data analyst (linking biometric data)
- cognitive psychologist (labelling, interpreting and assessing data)
- neurospecialist / psychologist / scientist (interpretation of data / emotion / brain activity)
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4: Quality Education
IPR description
The following technical specifiactions or expertise is sought:
- data scientist / data analyst (combining biometric data)

- cognitive psychologist (labelling, interpreting and assessing data)

- neurospecialist / psychologist / scientist (interpretation of data / emotion / brain activity)

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
They are looking for a sustainable collaboration with partners that provides a disruptive way of education and training in which the consortium continuously adapts to the newest hardware, software and insights retrieved from brain activity, eye movement, pupil enlargement, heart rate and blood pressure data.

The following type of partners or expertise is sought
- provider of hardware eeg scanners

- data scientist / data analyst (linking biometric data)
- cognitive psychologist (labelling, interpreting and assessing data)
- neurospecialist / psychologist / scientist (interpretation of data / emotion / brain activity)
Type and Size of Partner
R&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249SME <=10SME 11-49University
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
01004013 - Didactic System11004 - Technology, Society and Employment01003016 - Simulation11002 - Education and Training
Market keywords
02007010 - Education software02006005 - Big data management02006004 - Data processing, analysis and input services
Sector Groups Involved
Targeted countries
All countries


Plan of Approach