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Dutch organization offering Digital Security SaaS platform looking for Managed service providers and value added resell partners


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
24 May 2024 - 24 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The organization is a Dutch based Indepent Software Vendor (ISV) that has developed a SaaS digital security platform. The platform allows managed services providers, hosting providers and IT-serviceproviders to offer security services, without the need for specialised staff. The Dutch organization is interested in expanding its services into other European Markets and is looking for managed service providers and/or Value Added Resellers.
Full Description
In short, the organization has developed a platform that scans IT environments and web applications for vulnerabilities every day. This provides organizations with continuous insight into the vulnerabilities within their IT/web environment and enables them to demonstrate that they are 'in control'. In addition, the platform indicates which objects are not compliant with ISO27001/ISO27017 and 12 other controls/standards. With our GDPR recommendations we support organizations to comply with this legislation. Finally, the platform tries to catch hackers quickly, so that the damage can be limited.

The organization believes that environments should be scanned continuously because over 1000 new vulnerabilities are found in existing systems every month. So even if an organization does not make any changes to its IT infrastructure, it can still suddenly be vulnerable to a malicious party. There is a clear trend that internal networks are becoming increasingly open to the outside world, for example through developments such as bring your own device, working from home and cloud adoption. Administrators are therefore forced to open up networks more and more, which increases the risks.

The platform performs its scans without having to install and/or manage anything on servers/workstations/network components. The organization has noticed that several clients also use the platform to later demonstrate to the personal data authority that they have made above-average efforts to prevent a data breach. The platform is extremely helpful for that.

The organization provides its services exclusively through selected partners. The organization itself focus primarily on the development of the platform; partners take care of the interpretation and consultation of clients. Several partners now provide security services in addition to network operation services by integrating the platform in their standard workflow.

In order to expand the reach of its services and to fullfil its mission to make the internet safer, the organization is looking for new managed service providers and/or Value added resell partners. The first priority is Belgium and Germany, however the organization is open for potential collaboration with partners from other European countries.
Advantages and Innovations
The organization views vulnerability scanning as part of a total solution, vulnerability scanning alone is not enough, detection, compliance and attention to people is also essential.

The platform scans with multiple scanners (10 clusters): commercial, open source and in-house developed scanners. 'Best of breed' is chosen and the organization does not stick to one (1) own scanner as other parties do.

The platform not only scans and monitors for vulnerabilities with a compliance/vulnerabilities/exploits (CVE), but also for weak passwords, missing patches and missing hardening measures.

Not agent on devices necessary
Platform is developed and hosted in the Netherlands.
Organization is ISO 27001 certified
German language module available
Platform also offers compliance module, with which a total of 15 standards (such as the OWASP, ISO27001 and PCI-DSS) are mapped.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Since the organization is offering its services only via partners and wants to expand their partner network in Europe, they are firstly looking for partners in Belgium and Germany, but are open to opportunities from other countries as well.

The partners sought really need to want to add value to their clients, not only from a sales point of view, but also a technical point of view. In new countries (larger) partners can possibly also apply for a role as a distributor. This is open for discussion.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49SME <=10SME 50 - 249Big company
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
01004011 - Maintenance Management System01004016 - Analysis Risk Management01006005 - Network Technology, Network Security
Market keywords
01004003 - Communications processors/network management01004007 - Network test, monitoring and support equipment09003005 - Consulting services
Sector Groups Involved
Targeted countries
All countries