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Dutch SME with non-granular sludge based, high-rate Anaerobic Technology is looking for partner that are providers of services to, with a strong network in, food & beverage, chemical and petrochemical, pharma and the Agro-industrial industrie


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
28 November 2023 - 27 November 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementInvestment agreementSupplier agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Aqana provides Non-granular sludge based, high-rate Anaerobic Technologies.Aqana’s technology makes it possible to make the purification of wastewater a sustainable process. The company is looking for partner that are providers of services to, with a strong network in, food & beverage, chemical and petrochemical, pharma and the Agro-industrial industries.
Full Description
Aqana wants to win the confidence of customers with Downflow Anaerobic Carrier System DACS® With innovative technology and tailor-made wastewater treatment plants, Aqana makes a difference in the industrial wastewater treatment market. Aqana’s technology makes it possible to make the purification of wastewater a sustainable process. With the DACS® treatment, a relatively large amount of biomass is held inside of the carriers within the anaerobic system – resulting in the effective conversion of the organic material in the wastewater into biogas. DACS® eliminates the expensive necessity of granular sludge and by that manages to provide a reliable anaerobic system that guarantees continuous operation regardless of changes in flow and organic load. Thanks to this innovation the retention of the biomass is no longer limited by small operational windows and the flow velocity inside the reactor!

Aqana DACS® works efficiently with other wastewater treatment configurations.The company is looking for partner that are providers of services to, with a strong network in, food & beverage, chemical and petrochemical, pharma and the Agro-industrial industries. The main rol will be ECP contractor or agent.
Advantages and Innovations
1Flexible Adapt to clients’ specific needs and local conditions. 2
2 Cost effective
3 We take the time and effort to design a client specific solution leading to the shortest return on investment.
4 Always reducing solid waste production to a maximum by applying anaerobic technology.
5 Renewable energy production Recovering the energy from industrial effluent before discharge. 6 Robust By using biomass carriers in our methane reactors, There for the company can provide one of the most robust and flexible systems on the market.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 17: Partnerships to achieve the GoalGoal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Providers of services to, with a strong network in, food & beverage, chemical and petrochemical, pharma, plastic recycling, and the Agro-industrial industries Role of the partner: EPC contractor or agent
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME 11-49SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementInvestment agreementSupplier agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
10002011 - Soil and Groundwater Pollution010002009 - Water Pollution / Treatment04005009 - Energy from wastewater
Market keywords
08004003 - Water treatment equipment and waste disposal systems09008002 - Water, sewerage, chemical and solid waste treatment plants
Sector Groups Involved
Agri-FoodRenewable EnergyEnergy-Intensive Industries
Targeted countries
All countries