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Economically justified breeding of fattening bulls by feeding them with plants/crops from environmentally friendly cultivation.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
1 December 2023 - 30 November 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Supplier agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Breeding of fattening bulls
Full Description
The company is located in the north-east of Slovenia in Lenart, near Maribor. It is a development, agricultural and research company active in crop production (conservation tillage by cultivating more than 800 ha of land on which maize, wheat, barley, rape, etc. are grown), drying and storage of grain and maize (advanced technology in an atmosphere that allows precise control of temperature, humidity and presence of oxygen) and breeding of fattening bulls (operated at two separate sites with a total capacity of 1400 animals). In all areas, the company's activities focus on animal welfare, increased production and economic justification, environmental protection and circular economy.

The company's main service, developed in collaboration with other experts on the basis of scientific data, precise calculations and several years of testing, is the breeding of cattle fed with a meal of special receipts. The company boasts the status of the "second recognised breeding organisation in animal breeding", which means that we are involved in the implementation of selection programmes for Slovenian Simental cattle. As part of this programme, we test the progeny of young fattening bulls (exclusively from Slovenia) for growth and slaughter traits or the progeny test.

The company's expertise or "know-how" has been acquired through the company's business strategy, which is based on its own development and research projects and uses networking with other professional, scientific and research bodies (faculties, institutes, companies, etc.). The company has successfully implemented and commercialised several research projects, including the reduction of pesticides and mineral fertilisers in crop production, the use of alternative methods for weed control, the use of different plant varieties and specially treated seeds (plasma treatment) to improve their emergence, growth and development. The company owns two patents (animal feed mixtures and method for their production, and device and method for harvesting maize cobs) registered with the Intellectual Property Office in Slovenia.

Beef from our animals is already present on the local market and on the market of some European countries, but we would like to make the breeding of animals even more animal-friendly and highly productive by offering them plants/crops from safe and highly productive production. The type of cooperation we are looking for should therefore have expertise in the field of agriculture (livestock, crop production). The desired outcome of the partnership is mutual benefit, development of new agricultural practises, involvement in new international projects and protection of the environment.
Advantages and Innovations
All our animals are feed with home-grown plants/crops that are produced with use of conservation tillage and in environmental friendly way (less pesticides, less mineral fertilizers, oxygen plasma seed treatment, alternative way for weed removal). Our animals, especially young calves are fed with complete feed mixture containing chopped and dust-free wheat straw as voluminous/fibrous forage.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
IPR description
The company is looking for partners who will enable us to explore our research areas in the agricultural sector (animal husbandry and crop production with respect for animal welfare, optimal meat and crop production with emphasis on environmental protection and circular economy). It is desirable that the experts sought are also specialists in the areas mentioned.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Company looking for a research institution to help us achieve better/optimal conditions for animal husbandry and more natural crop production. Several guides, manuals, professional and scientific papers could be written together. They can serve as a guide for a more successful and nature-friendly agriculture. All institutions involved would thus become better known, more visible and more trustworthy.
Type and Size of Partner
R&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249Big companyUniversitySME 11-49
Type of partnership
Supplier agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
09005 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products
Sector Groups Involved
Targeted countries
All countries