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Exploring collaborative opportunities in anatomical 3D printing models with PolyJet Technology


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
5 January 2024 - 4 January 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Austrian company is at the forefront of innovative solutions in the healtcare industry, specializing in the development and distribution of anatomical 3D printing models. Leveraging cutting-edge PolyJet technology, the SME aims to revolutionize medical education, surgical planning, and patient communication. They actively seeking strategic commercial and/or R&D partnerships to enhance the SMEs capabilities and to expand their reach.
Full Description
The core expertise of the Austrian SME lies in the creation of highly accurate and customizable anatomical 3D printing models. These models serve a wide range of applications, including medical education, pre-surgical planning, and patient-specific treatment strategies. With more than ten years experience in developing 3D models of ocular tissues and organs the company offers anatomical 3D printing models to practice in a risk-free environment, thereby enhancing the savety and effectiveness of real-life operations. The advantages and potential applications of the technology include:

- Precision and Accuracy: 3D printing process ensures the creation of anatomical models with exceptional precision, allowing for detailed and realistic representations.
- Customization: The SME offers the flexibility to tailor models to specific patient cases, enabling personalized education and treatment planning.
- Medical Training Enhancement: Models contribute to advanced medical training by providing hands-on experience with lifelike anatomical structures, improving the skills of healthcare professionals.
- Surgical Planning Support: Surgeons benefit from the technology by visualizing and practicing complex procedures on patient-specific models, leading to improved surgical outcomes.
- Research & Development: Prototype and visualize new medical tools, devices, or solutions with the aid of accurate anatomical models.

Interested parties are invited to get in contact with the Austrian SME for further discussions and exploratory meetings.
Advantages and Innovations
The technical benefits of the proposed technology include:

- Ultra-high-resolution models: PolyJet technology ensures that every minute detail is captured, from intricate vascular networks to subtle bone textures.
- Full-color printing: Reproduce the rich diversity of human tissues with true-to-life colors, aiding in differentiation and study.
- Multi-material capabilities: Simulate the feel and flexibility of various human tissues, from the rigidity of bones to the suppleness of muscles. We are able to print the softest Materials available in 3d printing Shore 00 30 an even Gel.
- Layer-by-layer precision: Each print layer is as thin as a human hair, ensuring impeccable detail and smoothness.
- Rapid prototyping: Produce anatomical models in a fraction of the time, accelerating research, study, and patient consultations.
- Durability: PolyJet's material properties, expect longevity and resistance to wear and tear.
- Customizability: Tailored 3D print to specific case studies, pathologies, or educational needs.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 4: Quality Education

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The SME is actively seeking collaboration with organizations and individuals that can complement their strengths and contribute to the advancement of anatomical 3D printing models. Potential cooperation partners may include:

- Medical Institutions and Universities: Collaboration with renowned medical institutions and universities to integrate our technology into medical education programs and research initiatives.
- Healthcare Technology Companies: Partnerships with companies specializing in complementary healthcare technologies, such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR), to create immersive educational experiences.
- Biomedical Research Organizations: Collaborations with research institutions to further develop and validate our 3D printing models for specific medical applications.
- Medical Device Manufacturers: Integration of our anatomical models into medical devices or tools to enhance their functionality and efficacy.
- Distributors and Resellers: Partnerships with entities experienced in the distribution of medical education tools to expand our market reach globally.

Benefits of Collaboration:
- Market Expansion: Access new markets and customer segments through collaborative distribution and marketing efforts.
- Technological Synergy: Combine expertise with partners to develop innovative solutions, potentially incorporating our anatomical models into broader healthcare technologies.
- Research Validation: Validate and enhance our technology through joint research initiatives, ensuring its applicability across diverse medical specialties.
- Educational Impact: Contribute to the advancement of medical education by providing state-of-the-art tools and resources to educational institutions.
Type and Size of Partner
UniversityBig companyR&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
02007001 - Adhesives3D printing02003006 - Prototypes, trials and pilot schemes
Market keywords
05001007 - Other diagnostic05002003 - Ultrasound imaging05001002 - In-vitro diagnostics05001001 - Diagnostic services
Targeted countries
All countries
