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A Finnish manufacturer of ecological and fully recyclable products for trade fairs and events is looking for commercial agents and distributors from the advertising industry


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
17 June 2024 - 17 June 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Finnish company has developed environmentally friendly alternatives for promotional materials. The company is specialized in the production of modular, durable, reusable and sustainable products for trade fairs and events. They are seeking commercial partners, agents or distributors, to represent and sell their products locally in the EU countries.
Full Description
A Finnish family-owned printing company is combining the latest technology and highly skilled personnel together with passion for sustainability and innovative way of thinking to create entirely new type of dynamic, reusable, light-weight, durable and ecological products for trade fairs and events. The products include fully customizable designs of trade fair stands and other point-of-sale materials, and roll-up banners.

The products are made of a wood-based cell board allowing high quality and extremely durable, lightweight and fully recyclable materials. The products as well as the material used are produced in Finland. The products do not contain any plastic or aluminium.

The company has it roots in traditional marketing communication products but has developed a product of their own and is a pioneer in the industry. Compared to similar products in the market, company's products are truly reusable, modular and very durable in order to use them in multiple spaces. Afterwards products can be fully recyclable in carton recycling.

The company is well-established in Finland and wants to export its product to foreign markets. There is a great opportunity for a potential partner to start cooperation with a totally unique product. Products have been in the market for over 10 years and they are tested and proven to be both user and environmental friendly.

The company has a lot of capacity and potential to grow. In addition to the products the company has an effective way of designing them online. The online service has been developed by the company. They are now looking for commercial partners, either agents or distributors, who could represent and sell their products in the EU countries.
Advantages and Innovations
Fully recyclable (cardboard) and extremely durable materials.
Reusable and modular in order to use in multiple different spaces.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The Finnish company is searching business partners for representing their products locally in the EU countries. An ideal partner is from the field of advertising or marketing, for example an advertising agency or similar, who designs and plans trade fairs and events for their customers but don't have their own production facilities.

A perfect partner should have a knowledge of the local market and good connections with customers. A partner should have a passion for sustainable thinking and would want to promote green values, and would already have an established network of existing customers.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME 11-49SME 50 - 249SME <=10
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
09004007 - Printing and binding
Targeted countries
All countries
