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A Finnish shipyard is looking for new subcontractors and suppliers


Closed for EoI
Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
5 March 2024 - 5 March 2025
Company's Country
  • Finland
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
  • Supplier agreement
  • Outsourcing agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Finnish shipyard, manufacturing cruise ships, ferries and special vessels is searching for suppliers and subcontractors. The need includes various products, services and technologies and is not exactly specified but open for different proposals needed in building cruise ships. The search is organised in 3 steps, including first short presentations, and the selected companies are invited to a pitching event at Navigate expo in Turku, Finland in May.
Full Description
A major Finnish shipyard manufactures cruise ships, ferries and special vessels. The shipyard has a wide network of partner companies and the major part of the production is carried out with partner companies. The network includes design and engineering, suppliers in various industries, and subcontractors, among others.

For the growing production, the shipyard is searching for new network partners. When the cruise ships are not just ships but also sailing communities with thousands of passengers and crew members, the search is not restricted just to shipbuilding industry or technologies. As an example, also diverse interior decoration, engineering, environment-friendly solutions, project management, construction, restaurant and amusement facilities etc. are necessary in the partner network.

The possible types of partnerships are supplier, outsourcing or subcontracting agreements, either directly with the shipyard or with the shipyard's subcontractor.

The search is organised in three steps:
1. Expression of Interest (EoI) through Enterprise Europe Network (deadline 20.3.2024) - contact your local EEN advisor.
2. Short presentations as applications, a template will be delivered to companies who have submitted their EoI (deadline 27.3.2024).
3. About ten companies will be invited to sales pitching event at Navigate Nordic Maritime Expo on 15th May, 2024 in Turku, Finland.

The invited companies must commit in arriving the pitching event when accepting the possible invitation.
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
IPR description
When the cruise ships are big communities including various technologies, constructions and infrastructures used both on shore and off shore, the shipyard is interested in various technologies and expertise needed in designing and building the ships.

Interior decoration, engineering, environment-friendly solutions, project management, construction, restaurant and amusement facilities are common examples, but the shipyard's interest is not limited to these ones.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The searched partners are expected to act as suppliers, subcontractors or outsourcing partners, either directly with the shipyard or with shipyard's subcontractor.
Type and Size of Partner
  • Big company
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME <=10
  • SME 11-49
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
  • Supplier agreement
  • Outsourcing agreement


Technology keywords
  • 02009005 - Shipbuilding
Market keywords
  • 09003001 - Engineering services
  • 09004008 - Other manufacturing (not elsewhere classified)
  • 08005 - Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)
  • 09001005 - Motor vehicles, transportation equipment and parts
Sector Groups Involved
  • Maritime Industries and Services
Targeted countries
  • All countries