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French company is looking for a European subcontractor specialised in electromechanics to assemble generators with hydrogen (H2) fuel cells (FC) under an outsourcing agreement


Closed for EoI
Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
13 September 2024 - 13 September 2025
Company's Country
  • France
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A French company is a fast-growing business focusing on the development and sale of generator sets powered by decarbonated H2 FC. In order to produce 5kW gensets, a long-term outsourcing agreement is sought with a European subcontractor, e.g an assembly workshop offering contract manufacturing services and specialised in electromechanical equipment (household appliances, generators, heat pumps, air conditioning, ventilation). The partner's expertise in H2 storage and use would be a plus.
Full Description
The French company developed and tested a 5kW genset powered by renewable hydrogen and is willing to find an industrial subcontractor partner to assemble it.

The company will supply the parts to the partner who will produce the electromechanical assembly::
-a frame on which the fuel cell and other components will be mounted,
-stainless steel tubes + specific fittings for hydrogen,
-flexible plastic tubing for air or hydrogen gas + electronic valves,
-electrical components to be installed inside a cabinet and then wired together and to the other parts of the product.

Some commissioning tests should ideally be carried out by the subcontractor. A test bench will be provided by the French company. The partner wishing to carry out the tests must know or be trained in the storage and use of hydrogen (see H2 storage and ATEX issues).

A long-term subcontracting agreement is being sought with a European partner offering industrial contract manufacturing services in the field of electromechanical devices.
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
IPR description
-Mechanical expertise: screwing and bolting, pipe fittings, fastening

-Electronic equipment expertise: assembly and wiring of terminal blocks and connectors, electrotechnical assembly

-Hydrogen management: if the partner is planning to carry out fuel cell trials, it must already be familiar with or plan to acquire expertise in the storage and use of hydrogen (the French company can provide training and technical support).

Tools needed: screwdrivers, hose clamp plier, keys…

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Type of partner:
Subcontractor based in Europe (ideally France or Western Europe), specialising in the assembly of electrical machinery (household appliances, generators, heat pumps, air conditioning, ventilation)

Role of the partner:
1- Metal case: assembly of stainless steel and plastic parts and main components
2- Electrical wiring: assembly of electrical parts
3- Fuel cell verification: hydrogen functional tests (if the manufacturer is able and willing to do so)
4- Packaging and return shipment of finished products to Brittany, France

The French company will supply the spare parts, training and technical support so that the partner can carry out the H2 tests (if applicable).

Technical information will be provided after a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
Type and Size of Partner
  • Big company
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME 11-49
Type of partnership
  • Outsourcing agreement


Technology keywords
  • 03004004 - Electrical Engineering/ Electrical Equipment
  • 02009017 - Electrical supply system
  • 04002001 - Fuel cells
  • 02009014 - Automotive electrical and electronics
  • 04002005 - Generators, electric engines and power converters
Market keywords
  • 06007001 - Other energy production
  • 08002001 - Energy management
  • 06003008 - Other alternative energy
  • 06009 - Energy Distribution
  • 08003006 - Power transmission equipment (including generators & motors)
Targeted countries
  • All countries
