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French coordinator looks for research centers or universities to join competitive consortium to develop the first hydrogen refueling station [Horizon Europe Clean Hydrogen Call]


Closed for EoI
Profile Type
Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
22 February 2024 - 21 February 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-02 - Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogen

The consortia is looking for 2 research centers to join the partnership : one chemical expertise center and one market analysis center (or universities)
Full Description
This concrete project is aiming to develop the first hydrogen refueling station (HRS) using a liquid hydrogen carrier. As a Research and Innovation Action (RIA), it is 100% financed and the most important focus of the call is R&D, so different aspects determining to the coupling of technologies will be tested.
In this context, the companies (six partners from four different countries: a large energy company, a medium-size HRS developer, three innovative SMEs, and a research center) are aiming to count two additional research center amongst the partners.
Advantages and Innovations
The project is very ambitious as it aims to develop a new generation of hydrogen refueling station (HRS) based on a new technology.
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
IPR description
The consortim has identified two roles/partners to be looked for:

1. Chemical expertise center (or university) : type of tests that the partner may be subject to perform:
a. Chemicals in infrastructure (compatibility, logistics, storage, etc.)
b. Chemical Process Safety Laboratory
c. Polymers and surfaces
d. Environment and Chemical Analysis
e. Clean Energy (and cleaning process)
f. Multi-energy modeling, mobility, CFD modeling

2. Market analysis center (or university): the project asks for a further roadmap on scaling-up the innovation until 2030; on this context, the partner may be subject to study:
a. State of the art of HRS
b. Scale-up strategy (business model)
c. Wider application and impact assessment for the developed solutions
d. Development of technology uptake scenarios
e. Develop recommendations and implementation guidelines for the most promising application
f. Prepare a roll-out plan for the consortium solutions and quantify costs

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Consortia partners
Type and Size of Partner
UniversityR&D Institution
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
Horizon Europe
Call title and identifier
HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2024-02-02 - Novel large-scale aboveground storage solutions for demand-optimised supply of hydrogen
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Web link to the callā€¦


Technology keywords
04008002 - Fuels and engine technologies04001005 - Transport and storage of gas and liquid fuels04001006 - Transport and storage of hydrogen
Market keywords
06003008 - Other alternative energy06009 - Energy Distribution06008 - Energy Storage06001005 - Storage and transportation
Sector Groups Involved
Renewable Energy
Targeted countries
All countries