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A French energy efficiency firm is open to assessing innovative energy efficiency technology providers to provide differentiation in France under distribution agreement.


Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
26 September 2024 - 26 September 2025
Company's Country
  • France
Type of partnership
  • Investment agreement
  • Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
French independent company that provides efficiency energy consulting services to corporations and public organizations in France.

Its certified expertise covers light-emitting diode lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, building & utility management, and renewable energies.
Company is looking to widen the scope of the technological solutions it recommends by cooperating with energy efficiency solution vendors.

Cooperation sought : distribution services, JV or service agreement
Full Description
Company is born in Reims, France. It supports corporate energy efficiency projects with independent expertise in France and in Europe.
Its services cover the entire energy efficiency project management: site audit, preliminary design, budgetary solution, estimated savings, return on investment, contracting with vendors, service providers, third-party financial support providers, and deployment coordination.

A trusted certified energy efficiency French independent expert, with more than 600 corporate energy efficiency projects audited, budgeted, sourced, managed, and deployed in France and in Europe, company accelerates access to innovative opportunities in light-emitting diode lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, building & utility management, and renewable energies

A single point of contact, it provides project management assistance to commercial buildings and industrial plants owners, users, facility management service providers, and local authorities, contributing to significant quick financial gains, proven energy economy savings, enhanced comfort and safety to users, and compliance with environmental standards.
Services to customers and partners include:
1. energy efficiency audits based on custom lighting design and thermal calculation software, and ad hoc certifications in measurement and verification,
2. benchmarking and recommending the most appropriate technological energy saving solutions, presenting the preliminary design with projected energy savings and return on investment,
3. finding the relevant installation service providers,
4. finding the most valuable local subsidies or third-party financing providers to help co-fund the project, aiming for potential monthly payments to be smaller than the current energy expenditures,
5. ensuring the success of the full project by coordinating every step and stakeholder.
Company is open to partnerships with energy efficiency technical solution vendors who would be interested in having their innovative energy saving solution benchmarked and recommended to corporations and public organizations in France.
A long term cooperation under distribution services, joint-venture or services agreement is sought with complementary activities can enhance the solutions offered by either party. This collaboration aims to develop joint proposals for European or global client accounts.
Advantages and Innovations
Independence: Company benchmarks the technical solutions it recommends by performing onsite audits of the manufacturing sites of its partners, as far as Shenzhen, China, and upon short notice. It has no ties with vendors or installation service providers.

It developed its own auditing software tool, in order to help standardize the process for multi-sites projects and master its intellectual property.

Certified engineering expertise: it leverages 15 lighting and thermal engineers available in France who benefit from the most relevant engineering certification in France delivered by the engineering qualification body (the OPQIBI) in lighting study and energy audit.

Company is also a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional (CMVP), the most widely recognized certification in measurement and verification, which is the process of planning, measuring, collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of energy savings verification and disclosure.

A trusted partner: Avetta's ongoing certification guarantees company’s compliance with all legislation, including health, safety and environmental legislation, and ensures the availability of adequate coverage, documented procedures, and qualified professionals.

The experience of more than 600 energy efficiency projects, in industry - food, energy, materials and glass, automotive, mechanics, plastics, paper and carboard- and the service sector - offices, retail, logistics, education, healthcare, sport and cultural facilities, from SMB to Fortune 500 and local authorities, including the biggest one-shot LED renovation project in retail in Europe (120 shops, 70 000 luminaires), and 220 nurseries for one franchise in France.

The ability to measure energy savings performance after deployment, and go beyond expectations, thanks to custom settings of the solutions.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
IPR description
Innovative energy efficient appliances or accessories in heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting and building automation & control systems.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Company is open to partnerships with energy efficiency technical solution vendors who would be interested in having their innovative energy saving solution benchmarked, recommended, and sold to corporations and public organizations in France.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 11-49
  • SME 50 - 249
  • Big company
Type of partnership
  • Investment agreement
  • Commercial agreement


Technology keywords
  • 04007006 - Low, zero and plus energy rating
  • 02006004 - Installations related to construction (energy, lighting, …)
  • 010002001 - Air Pollution/Treatment
Market keywords
  • 09007005 - Facility management companies
  • 09003005 - Consulting services
  • 08002002 - Industrial measurement and sensing equipment
  • 08004001 - Air filters and air purification and monitoring equipment
  • 08002001 - Energy management
Sector Groups Involved
  • Construction
  • Energy-Intensive Industries
Targeted countries
  • All countries