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A German startup offering Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), biologics, and specialized lab services to academic and industrial developers pioneering bacteriophage-based antibiotics solutions is looking for cooperation partners and investors.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
24 May 2024 - 24 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Supplier agreementInvestment agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A German startup seeks cooperation partners and investors to advance bacteriophage-based antibiotics. Targeting the pharma, agriculture, meat production, and personal health sectors, they are open to joint ventures and/or research collaborations. Additional investment is essential to fuel these initiatives and drive innovation.
Full Description
As antibiotic resistance escalates globally, the necessity for a new generation of targeted antibacterial solutions becomes crucial. The startup was established by a team of experts in molecular biology, bioinformatics, business management, and machine learning. This interdisciplinary team combines extensive experience and specialized skills to pioneer innovative solutions. They provide Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), biologics, and lab services aimed at developing next-generation antibiotics. Their expertise allows them to harness the latest advancements to deliver precise, phage-based components for developing targeted antibacterial treatments.

Their Approach:
Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that infect and kill bacteria but are harmless to human, animal, and plant cells. They offer a highly specific approach to bacterial infections, representing a significant shift from the broad-spectrum antibiotics used today, which often resemble a 'nuclear bomb' for the microbiome. Their technology focuses on identifying the exact matching phage for any given bacterial threat, which could be in plants, livestock, or humans, ensuring a targeted, laser-like precision in treatment, thus mitigating typical antibiotic side effects like diarrhea.

The Promise of Phage Technology:
The specificity of phages means that, with the right technological approach, a matching phage can be found for any bacterium. This 'laser sword' strategy not only minimizes harm to beneficial bacteria but also significantly reduces the emergence of resistance.

Seeking Partnerships and Investment:
The German startup is actively looking for partners in the food production sector—both in agriculture and livestock—to explore replacing traditional antibiotics with phage-based alternatives. Additionally, having successfully closed their first funding round, they are now seeking to accelerate their initiatives and scale their impact. The startup is open to joint ventures, grants, and venture capital funding, aiming to raise a total of €3M to advance their operations and research.

Join Them:
The team of founders invite collaboration from like-minded entities who are keen to be at the forefront of the phage revolution in antibiotics. Together, they can transform the landscape of antibacterial treatment and significantly impact public health and food safety globally.
Advantages and Innovations
1. Target Specificity: Unlike traditional antibiotics that act like a 'nuclear bomb'—indiscriminately killing both harmful and beneficial bacteria—phage-based antibiotics function like a 'laser sword.' They target specific bacteria without disturbing the rest of the microbial community, preserving the body's beneficial microbiota.
2. Reduced Resistance Development: The specificity of phages greatly reduces the chances of bacteria developing resistance, a significant issue with broad-spectrum antibiotics which encourage the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains.
3. Environmental Safety: Phages are natural biological entities that do not contribute to pollution or cause imbalance in local ecosystems, unlike some chemical antibiotics that can have detrimental environmental effects when they enter water systems.
4. Customizable Treatments: Phages can be engineered or selected to target newly emerging bacterial strains, offering a customizable approach that can quickly adapt to evolving bacterial threats.
5. Safety Profile: Phages have been used therapeutically for nearly a century in some parts of the world, showing an excellent safety profile. Their use does not lead to the common side effects associated with antibiotic therapies.
6. Cost-Effective Manufacturing: Once a phage is isolated, it can be cultured in large quantities using simple and cost-effective methods, making phage therapy potentially less expensive than synthesizing chemical antibiotics.
Stage of Development
Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The startup is seeking to collaborate with forward-thinking organizations that are actively engaged in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, meat production, or personal health sectors.

Their ideal partners include:
• Research Institutions: Academic and private research entities with capabilities in microbiology, virology, and genetic engineering.
• Biotech and Pharmaceutical Companies: Organizations looking to expand their antibiotic portfolio with innovative, phage-based products.
• Agricultural and Meat Production Companies: Entities interested in sustainable, non-antibiotic methods for disease management in crops and livestock.
• Healthcare Providers: Hospitals and clinics aiming to integrate novel, effective treatments into their infectious disease management practices.

Expectations from Partners:
• Expertise: Bring specific industry knowledge, technical skills, or facilities that complement and enhance the startups phage development capabilities.
• Collaboration: Engage in joint research projects, co-development of products, or clinical trials.
• Market Access: Assist with navigating regulatory landscapes and scaling solutions to market, especially in regions prone to antibiotic resistance issues.

What the startup Offers:
• Innovative Technology: Access to cutting-edge phage therapy solutions backed by robust data analytics and machine learning predictions.
• Shared Development Costs: Opportunities to co-develop products with shared risks and costs, increasing ROI for all involved.
• Revenue Sharing: Potential for joint ventures and revenue-sharing models from commercialized therapies.
• Strategic Advantage: Competitive edge in adopting one of the most promising alternatives to traditional antibiotics, positioning partners at the forefront of medical and agricultural innovation.

Benefits to Partners:
• Partners will gain access to proprietary technologies and the chance to be part of a leading-edge solution to global antibiotic resistance problems.
• Collaboration with the startup offers a chance to diversify product lines, enhance brand reputation in sustainability and innovation, and tap into new markets with high growth potential.

Expected Role of Funding Partners:
The German startup is seeking financial partners, including venture capitalists, angel investors, and public or private funding bodies, interested in advancing novel healthcare solutions. Their ideal funding partners are entities that understand the high stakes and high reward nature of pioneering medical technologies, especially in the realm of combatting antibiotic resistance.

Expectations from Funding Partners:
• Financial Investment: Provide capital investment to support ongoing research and development, scale-up activities, and market penetration efforts.
• Strategic Guidance: Offer expertise and strategic advice to navigate the complex regulatory pathways and market dynamics in the healthcare sector.
• Networking Support: Facilitate introductions and connections with key industry stakeholders to accelerate commercialization efforts.

What the Startup Offer:
• Equity Participation: Opportunities for equity stakes, ensuring that partners benefit directly from the success of their innovations.
• High Potential Returns: The growing demand for alternatives to traditional antibiotics presents a significant market opportunity with the potential for high returns on investment.
• Visibility and Influence: Being associated with a cutting-edge solution in a critical healthcare area enhances brand presence and influence in the industry.

Benefits to Partners:
• Funding partners will be integral to developing solutions that address a global health crisis, offering not only financial returns but also societal impact.
• Investment in the startup provides a strategic advantage in a market poised for rapid growth due to increasing antibiotic resistance worldwide.
• Partners gain the opportunity to redefine standards in treatment efficacy.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49Big companySME 50 - 249SME <=10R&D InstitutionUniversity
Type of partnership
Supplier agreementInvestment agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
06002002 - Cellular and Molecular Biology06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering06001015 - Pharmaceutical Products / Drugs06001018 - Virus, Virology/Antibiotics/Bacteriology
Market keywords
04014 - Bioinformatics05005022 - Other clinical medicine05008002 - Food and feed ingredients05009003 - Animal health
Sector Groups Involved
Agri-FoodHealthDigitalEnergy-Intensive Industries
Targeted countries
All countries