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Greek bio-company specializing in herbs, seeks suppliers of organic certified strawberries, dehydrated, or freeze-dried, in slices, flakes, or pieces.


Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
10 December 2024 - 10 December 2025
Company's Country
  • Greece
Type of partnership
  • Supplier agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Greek bio-company, with a deep respect towards tradition and nature, is looking for suppliers of organic products, currently strawberry. The company already exports and imports to many countries and is looking for a supplier of organic certified strawberries, dehydrated or freeze-dried, in slices, flakes, or pieces.
Full Description
The company was established in 2018 in Komotini. It is a specialized unit for the cultivation and processing of organic herbs. It offers a wide range of high-quality signature herbal blends in small branded packages, private label products, customized packaging, and drinks such as 100% natural
herbal tea with zero calories and botanical syrups for sodas and cocktails. The bio-company is dedicated to producing organic, beneficial, and delicious herbs. Greek herbs are well known as the best beverage choice in terms of taste, aroma, and nutritional value, besides their inexhaustible uses, flavors, and therapeutic properties. The bio-company seeks to produce sustainably, to care for, protect and trust nature. They are also committed to spreading good practices in cultivation, harvesting, sorting, and packaging to make high quality the norm, a conscience, and ultimately a requirement. The company's goal is to offer holistic botanical experiences that will inspire others to find time for themselves, in a healthier, and more positive way of life.

The company needs for the time being 15 kg bio-strawberry, dehydrated or freeze-dried, in slices, flakes, or pieces, organic certified. They are open to creating collaboration for additional amounts as well as additional bio-products, either for import or export.
Advantages and Innovations
The company leaves a minimal footprint on the environment since the organic waste resulting from the production process is composted in its entirety, and all recyclable materials used, such as plastic, glass, paper, and packaging, are recycled. Regarding crops, the drip irrigation system is applied, consuming the smallest possible amount of water. Also, the company uses biodegradable, recyclable, or recycled materials specifically.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
IPR description
The company is looking for suppliers of organic certified bio-strawberry.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The company is looking for suppliers of bio-strawberry, organic certified, dehydrated, or freeze-dried, in slices, flakes, or pieces, to cooperate under a supplying agreement.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME <=10
Type of partnership
  • Supplier agreement


Market keywords
  • 07003002 - Health food
Targeted countries
  • All countries