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Enterprise Europe Network

A Greek company that aims to create a decentralized digital ecosystem and achieve seamless mobility through its two-sided platform (passengers & operators).


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
11 June 2024 - 11 June 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementInvestment agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
It is a pioneering digital twin platform designed to create a decentralized ecosystem that enables seamless mobility for passengers. By facilitating the exchange of data between operators and passengers, it enhances information accessibility and service optimization in mass transit systems.
Full Description
It is an innovative, two-sided platform aimed at revolutionizing the passenger experience in mass transit systems. The digital twin technology bridges the gap between passengers and operators, creating a dynamic and decentralized ecosystem that fosters seamless mobility. For passengers, it provides real-time, accurate information about transit options, schedules, and service updates, ensuring a smoother and more efficient journey. For operators, the platform offers valuable insights derived from passenger data, enabling them to optimize services, improve operational efficiency, and enhance overall service quality. By facilitating the continuous exchange and analysis of data, not only improves the transit experience for passengers but also drives innovation and efficiency within the transit industry.
Advantages and Innovations
Passenger Benefits:

- Real-Time Information: Access up-to-date information on transit schedules, delays, and alternative routes.
- Enhanced Journey Planning: Utilize advanced tools for more effective trip planning, ensuring a smoother travel experience.
- Improved Service Quality: Experience better transit services through continuous feedback and data-driven optimization.

Operator Benefits:

- Data-Driven Insights: Leverage passenger data to gain insights into transit usage patterns and preferences.
- Operational Optimization: Enhance service efficiency and reliability by using analytics to inform decision-making.
- Cost Savings: Reduce operational costs through targeted improvements and resource allocation based on real-time data.

Innovative Features:

- Decentralized Ecosystem: Foster a collaborative environment where data exchange between passengers and operators leads to mutual benefits.
- Digital Twin Technology: Utilize advanced simulations to predict and respond to transit system demands and challenges.
- User-Centric Design: Prioritize the needs and preferences of passengers to create a more intuitive and satisfying transit experience.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 13: Climate ActionGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The team is seeking partners who can actively contribute to the development, deployment, and expansion of the platform. The expected roles of the partner include:

- Transit Operators and Agencies: Collaborate to integrate with existing transit systems, provide access to operational data, and participate in pilot testing and feedback processes.
- Technology Providers: Supply technological support, including hardware, software, and cybersecurity solutions, to ensure the seamless functioning of the platform.
- Municipal Governments: Facilitate regulatory approvals, provide data on urban mobility, and support public awareness campaigns to promote the platform.
- Research Institutions: Conduct studies and provide insights on user behavior, system performance, and potential improvements.
- Investors and Funding Agencies: Provide financial resources to support development, scaling, and marketing efforts.
- End-User Organizations: Engage in user testing, provide feedback, and help refine the user experience.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49R&D InstitutionBig company
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementInvestment agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
01001001 - Automation, Robotics Control Systems01003013 - Information Technology/Informatics01003025 - Internet of Things
Market keywords
09001007 - Other transportation02006004 - Data processing, analysis and input services02006005 - Big data management02007016 - Artificial intelligence related software
Sector Groups Involved
Mobility - Transport - Automotive
Targeted countries
All countries