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A Greek company that promotes sustainability and circular economy for renewable, electrical, and electronic equipment through an innovative online platform.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
19 April 2024 - 19 April 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementSupplier agreementInvestment agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Company is developing an innovative platform that is designed to unite global stakeholders in the energy sector by facilitating the exchange of almost new, used, inactive and refurbished energy equipment. Focused on promoting sustainability and circular economy practices, the Company aims to reduce waste, save energy, and connect communities around shared environmental goals, by providing an accessible, efficient, and secure platform.
Full Description
This entity, envisioned as more than just a commercial venture or a company, aims to establish a movement towards a more sustainable reality grounded in the principles of the circular economy. The Company was conceived following the growing needs within the energy sector for a platform that can bring together various stakeholders – from suppliers to consumers, professionals to casual users – under the umbrella of environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, and footprint reduction. It seeks to address the gap where equipment and technology necessary for energy projects and sustainable practices are not readily accessible or properly utilized post-initial use. Their platform intends to bridge this gap, facilitating the exchange and repurposing of electrical and electronic equipment, including brand new, almost new, used, inactive, or repaired items.
The essence of this company lies in its dual purpose: firstly, to serve as a catalyst for change in how we perceive and interact with our resources, shifting away from a linear "take-make-dispose" model to a circular, sustainable approach that values the lifecycle and potential for reuse of materials and technology. Secondly, it stands as a sign for environmental sustainability, demonstrating how technology and innovation can lead to tangible solutions that support climate neutrality, energy conservation, and overall environmental protection. Thirdly, the Company aligns perfectly with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, establishing itself as a crucial platform for companies and individuals seeking to enhance their ESG compliance through sustainable practices, waste reduction, and energy efficiency.
Their mission is to empower individuals and organizations, initially in Greece and then globally, to take substantial action towards a greener future, making the Company a key player in the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious society. It's noteworthy that there is nothing quite like this Company in Greece, and only a few platforms exist in Europe that cover specific market segments, such as solar collectors. This competitive advantage of the Company is bolstered by its unparalleled presence in Greece and its innovative, holistic approach that fills a significant void in the European market.
Their platform stands out for its user-friendly design, ensuring easy access to content that is continually updated to reflect the latest industry trends. This commitment to innovation and usability is what makes them stand out, offering their users a low-cost but invaluable resource for achieving their sustainability goals.
Additionally, they have established collaborations with key sectors and organizations such as the incubator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, that have contributed to the smoother and more effective progress of the business plan. Collaborations of this type is vital for expanding their reach, enhancing their offerings, and ensuring the long-term success of the Company.
Their team is committed to providing continuous support and updates to the platform, ensuring that it remains at the forefront of technological innovation and sustainability practices. This Company is not just a platform but a movement towards transforming today's ecological actions into tomorrow's green heritage, and they currently are on the brink of making this vision a reality.
Their collaborations with key organizations and the encouraging response from their initial audience are pivotal early milestones for the Company. These achievements mark the beginning of our journey towards promoting environmental sustainability, advancing circular economy practices and facilitating the transition towards sustainable energy solutions. As they continue to develop and expand their platform, they strive to building on these early successes and achieving further distinctions that reflect their positive impact on society and the environment.
Advantages and Innovations
The Company distinguishes itself through a unique integration of sustainability, technological innovation, and a comprehensive approach tailored to the circular economy, setting a new standard in the energy sector and specifically the renewable energy sector. Their platform emerges as the first of its kind in Greece, offering an unmatched solution in the European landscape, especially with its all-encompassing coverage beyond specific segments..
At the core of the Company's innovation is the utilization of cutting-edge technology to create a user-friendly, efficient, and secure online marketplace that facilitates the exchange, purchase, and sale of renewable, electrical, and electronic equipment. By doing so, they not only meet the immediate needs of our diverse user base but also provide a platform that supports the long-term sustainability goals of individuals and organizations alike. Their commitment to continuous technological advancement ensures that the Company stays at the forefront of the industry, offering solutions that are both current and impactful.
Regreenit's alignment with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria represents a significant advantage, providing users with a platform that not only enables the efficient exchange of goods but also promotes ethical and sustainable business practices. This alignment positions the Company as a valuable tool for companies looking to enhance their ESG compliance, further contributing to our competitive edge in the market.
The Company's advantages lie in its innovative platform that caters principally to the second-hand market for energy-related equipment, its commitment to sustainability and ESG principles, and its role in fostering a global community dedicated to creating a more sustainable future. This holistic approach, combined with their technological prowess and strategic vision, establishes the Company as a leader in promoting circular economy practices and environmental sustainability.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13: Climate ActionGoal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
IPR description
The Company is on the lookout for future collaborators with expertise in energy sector, renewable energy technologies, circular economy principles, recycling experts and platform development. Technical specifications sought include advanced knowledge in sustainable material handling, energy-efficient refurbishing processes and services, and secure, scalable online marketplace infrastructure. Expertise in blockchain for transaction transparency, AI for user matching, and robust data security measures are also highly desirable. Their aim is to enhance the platform's technological capabilities, ensuring that it remains an industry leader in facilitating sustainable exchanges.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The Company is actively seeking partnerships with forward-thinking companies that are committed to sustainability and innovation within the energy sector. Their ideal partners are those who recognize the value of a circular economy and are eager to join forces in promoting environmental stewardship through the exchange, reuse, and recycling of energy-related equipment.

They are looking for partners in various capacities, such as:
• Renewable Energy Site Developers
Firms engaged in the development energy projects, focusing on renewable installations such as solar farms, wind farms etc. These partners can leverage Regreenit for sourcing refurbished or almsost new equipment, reducing project costs, and implementing sustainable practices in project development.
• Manufacturers of Electronic and Energy Equipment
Companies specializing in the production of electronic equipment that is essential for the energy sector, including inverters, controllers, and monitoring systems. Partnerships in this area can facilitate the extension of product life cycles and support the repurposing and recycling of electronic components.
• Refurbishment Specialists
Companies with expertise in refurbishing and repairing electronic and renewable energy equipment. These partners are key to ensuring that used and inactive equipment can be reintroduced into the market, maintaining high standards of functionality and safety.
• Suppliers of Renewable Energy Equipment
Manufacturers and distributors of new, almost new, inactive or refurbished energy equipment, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage systems, interested in extending the lifecycle of their products and accessing a broader market through our platform.
• Renewable Energy Service Providers
Companies offering installation, maintenance, and repair services for energy systems looking to connect with a larger customer base and contribute their expertise to our community.
• Sustainability and Environmental Organizations
NGOs, advocacy groups, and consultancy firms focused on promoting circular economy principles, environmental sustainability, and ESG compliance, interested in collaborating on sustainability initiatives, and community engagement activities.
• Recycling and Material Recovery Enterprises
Companies engaged in the recycling and recovery of electronic waste, with expertise in sustainable material management and the circular economy, looking to partner in developing solutions for end-of-life equipment processed through our platform.
• Regulatory and Compliance Experts
Firms with knowledge in environmental regulations, e-waste management laws, and international standards for renewable energy equipment, interested in advising on compliance and best practices.
Expected Role of the Partner:
• Partners can help Regreenit expand its market reach, introducing our platform to new users and communities, thereby driving the adoption of sustainable practices within the energy sector.
• By contributing technological expertise or service offerings, partners can enhance the platform's capabilities, improve user experience, and increase the value provided to our community.
• Partners can play a crucial role in enriching the Regreenit community by contributing sharing insights and best practices, and participating in forums and discussions on sustainability.
• Collaborating on sustainability projects, recycling programs, and circular economy initiatives that align with our mission and contribute to a greener future.
• Working together on research projects and innovation challenges aimed at advancing circular economy solutions and sustainable technologies within the energy sector.

The Company's partnership model is based on collaboration, mutual benefit, and a shared commitment to making a positive environmental impact. They believe that their Company can help in transforming the energy sector towards more sustainable and circular practices.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249SME 11-49Big companyR&D InstitutionUniversity
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementSupplier agreementInvestment agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
04005008 - Wind energy04005004 - Photovoltaics10003004 - Recycling, Recovery10002004 - Climate Change mitigation10002007 - Environmental Engineering / Technology
Market keywords
06008 - Energy Storage06003002 - Photovoltaics06009 - Energy Distribution06007001 - Other energy production06003003 - Wind energy
Sector Groups Involved
Proximity & Social EconomyEnergy-Intensive IndustriesDigitalRenewable EnergyMobility - Transport - Automotive
Targeted countries
All countries