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Greek technology SME is offering Innovative Solutions in Data Extraction and Analysis for Multiple Industries


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
29 February 2024 - 28 February 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Greek technology SME is offering innovative solutions in data analysis and repricing solutions, that being so, the Greek SME is seeking strategic partnerships to further enhance and distribute their products that can be applied in a wide range of industrial sectors.
Full Description
The Greek technology SME is offering innovative solutions in data extraction and analysis for multiple industries, such as:

1. Precision Online Retail Price and Product Monitoring

The Greek SME introduces a state-of-the-art solution for online retail price and product monitoring, boasting over 99.9% product matching accuracy. Their technology harnesses the power of AI to provide a highly sophisticated price monitoring and rePricing tool. Unlike conventional systems, their repricer focuses on advanced strategies that aim to maximize profits and sales, rather than simply offering the lowest price. This approach ensures a competitive edge for their clients in the market. Furthermore, the setup process is streamlined and user-friendly, allowing for quick integration and immediate efficiency gains.

2. Comprehensive Data Extraction and Transformation

In the era of big data, extracting and transforming vast datasets is a significant challenge. The Greek SME offers technological solutions that excel in gathering and processing large-scale data from varied sources, both structured and unstructured. This capability is essential for businesses aiming to harness big data for strategic planning, market analysis, and customer insights. Their tools are designed for efficiency and effectiveness, making complex data extraction a seamless process for our clients.

3. Dataset Creation for Machine Learning and Beyond

As industries increasingly rely on Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the need for high-quality datasets becomes paramount. The Greek technology SME specializes in creating tailored datasets for ML training across various domains, including retail and others. Their datasets support the training of sophisticated ML models and are crucial for a wide range of analytical applications, enabling businesses to leverage AI for market trend analysis, product assortment, and other analysis.
Advantages and Innovations
Greek SME's solutions stand out in the competitive landscape due to a combination of advanced technology, unparalleled accuracy and strategic focus. Their offerings are not just innovative but also cater to the evolving needs of diverse industries.

1. Exceptional Product Matching Accuracy:
With over 99.9% accuracy in product matching, their technology sets a new industry standard. This precision is crucial for businesses to accurately monitor competitor pricing and product strategies, ensuring they always have the most relevant and reliable data at their disposal.

2. Sophisticated AI-Powered Repricing:
Unlike traditional repricing tools that focus solely on being the cheapest, their AI-driven repricer employs advanced strategies. It aims to maximize profits and sales by considering various market factors and consumer behaviors, offering a more nuanced and effective approach to pricing.

3. Ease of Integration and Use:
Their technology is designed for easy setup and integration, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise. This ease of use does not compromise on power or functionality, ensuring that all users can leverage the full potential of the solutions.

4. Versatility Across Industries:
While their primary focus has been on the retail sector, their technology's applications extend to other sectors too. This versatility allows businesses in various industries to benefit from their data analysis and machine learning capabilities.

5. Data-Driven Strategic Insights:
The ability to extract and transform massive datasets equips businesses with the insights needed for strategic decision-making. Their tools provide comprehensive market analysis, customer behavior understanding and predictive insights, which are essential in today's data-centric business environment.

6. Future-Ready Solutions:
As industries continue to evolve with AI and machine learning, their products are designed to be future-ready and to stay ahead of market trends.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 17: Partnerships to achieve the GoalGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
IPR description
1. Type of Partners Sought

• Retail Industry Leaders: Companies that are major players in the retail sector, looking to gain a competitive edge through advanced data analysis and AI-driven repricing strategies.

• Technology Distributors and Integrators: Firms specializing in the distribution and integration of technology solutions within various industries, particularly those with a focus on retail and real estate.

• Data Analysis and ML/AI Companies: Organizations that specialize in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, interested in collaborating to enhance and integrate the respective technologies.

2. Size of Partners Sought

The Greek SME is open to collaborating with both large corporations and mid-sized companies that have a significant presence in their industry and a commitment to adopting the offered innovative technologies.
The partner should have the resources and network necessary to effectively drive interested parties into the offered technology/solution.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The Greek technology SME is seeking strategic partnerships to further enhance and distribute their innovative data analysis and repricing solutions. Their ideal partners are entities that are well-established in their respective markets and have a strong interest in leveraging advanced technology to drive business growth and efficiency.

Type of Collaboration Intended:

1. Joint Development: Working together to further develop and refine our technology, tailoring it to specific market needs or integrating it with existing platforms.

2. Distribution and Market Expansion: Partners who can assist in broadening the reach of the the Greek SME's solutions, both geographically and across different industries.

3. Technical and Strategic Collaboration: Sharing expertise and insights to enhance the overall functionality and market applicability of the innovative solutions, including potential adaptation for new industry sectors.

The Greek technology SME aims to form partnerships that are mutually beneficial, fostering innovation and driving growth. They believe that by collaborating with the right partners, they can extend the reach and impact of their state-of-the-art data analysis and repricing technologies, ultimately benefiting a wider range of industries and consumers.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME <=10SME 11-49SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
01001002 - Digital Systems, Digital Representation
Market keywords
02007015 - Integrated software02007022 - Software services02007008 - Business and office software02007004 - Program development tools/languages02007002 - Database and file management
Sector Groups Involved
Targeted countries
All countries