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Hand-held, rapid 3D profiling technology (volumetric, morphological, elastographic) with applications in life-sciences, healthcare, and agritech seeking R&D partners.


Profile Type
  • Technology request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
22 November 2024 - 22 November 2025
Company's Country
  • United Kingdom
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A pre-revenue UK SME has developed a hand-held digital technology to rapidly and accurately determine the shape and volume of 3D structures. Initially applied to measurement of subcutaneous tumours during the preclinical evaluation of cancer therapies. Subsequent applications areas include clinical health and agritech.

The Company is seeking Preclinical cancer trial partners to evaluate the technology.
Full Description
The company, located in Cambridgeshire UK, was founded in 2021 to address the acknowledged shortcomings associated with the use of engineering callipers to measure the volumes of subcutaneous tumours during the evaluation of cancer therapies – a mandatory step during the translation of potential treatments from the laboratory to human use.

Conventional measurements use callipers, resulting in inconsistent and inaccurate results arising from morphological errors that simple equations assume and inter-operator variability (arising from different pressures that operators apply when taking measurements). These errors frequently result in measurements of tumour volumes obtained from different operators varying by up to a factor of 3. The new technology uses an optical system and advanced image analysis to accurately measure the shape and volume of each tumour using multiple measurement points.

With the support of public and private financing, including funding from Cancer Research UK, the company has successfully evaluated functional prototypes using both tumour phantoms (in-vitro) and subcutaneous grafted tumours (in-vivo). Feedback collected during these evaluations and throughout the product development lifecycle are being consolidated into the minimally viable product for initial commercial release.

Company is seeking an R&D cooperation agreement with preclinical cancer laboratories (within academia, pharma, biotech, CROs, or government/charity organisations) who have an interest in evaluating this new technology as an effective replacement for calliper measurements. The technology is designed to provide morphological and volumetric data of higher quality, in less time, with minimal operator variability, requiring less skill (and training), and requiring fewer animals in an easy-to-use hand-held format.
Advantages and Innovations
Calliper measurement of preclinical subcutaneously grafted tumours is associated with error and inter-operator variability, as discussed in the description above. These errors frequently result in measurements of tumour volumes obtained from different operators varying by up to a factor of 3.

A consequence of measurement error/variability is that laboratories require a single operator to complete all measurements during a study. Some laboratories match operators who have a similar “measurement styles” to minimise errors when the primary operator must be absent – introducing additional logistical costs and overheads.

A further consequence of the “accepted” errors associated with callipers is that larger cohorts of preclinical subjects must be used.

Despite these shortcomings, callipers remain the tool of choice for preclinical tumour measurement - attributable to their low cost, ease of use, and understood operation / limitations.

Three competitors exist - all rely on direct optical imaging of tumours. These technologies suffer from motion blur (obscuring image analyses), and sensitivities to; animal colouration; ambient light; fur; and ambient temperature. Feedback from users of these technologies identifies that they require appreciable training periods before measurement confidence is obtained, and that inter-operator variability persists.

Company technology is a small lightweight device that relies on direct contact with the animal subject. Company has developed a disposable guard that isolates the profiling device from direct contact with the animal subject and minimises inter-cage contamination.

Data presentation and formatting options are possible to bring higher quality and new scientific evidence to complement the pioneering science that is being evaluated in these laboratories.

Company has identified sales models that fit with the budgets and budget-cycles of customer organisations across all customer categories.
Stage of Development
  • Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
IPR description
Preclinical Cancer Laboratory Partners
Company is seeking collaboration with preclinical cancer laboratories that are currently measuring volumes of subcutaneously grafted tumours. Laboratories should hold appropriate licenses for the volumetric measurement of grafted tumours on non-anaesthetised mice. The intention would be to supplement existing measurements with Company’s 3D measurement technology to generate comparative performance and usability evaluations.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Company is seeking collaboration with preclinical cancer laboratories that are currently measuring volumes of subcutaneously grafted tumours. The partner should be willing to share existing measurement results and use the Company’s 3D measurement technology to compare both sets of results.
The partner should be able to provide feedback at the end of a study on their experience using the Company’s 3D measurement technology.
Type and Size of Partner
  • Other
  • University
  • R&D Institution
  • Big company
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
  • 09003 - Electronic measurement systems
Market keywords
  • 03007002 - Other measuring devices
Sector Groups Involved
  • Health
Targeted countries
  • All countries