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Highly efficient vertical axis wind turbine – Partners sought to test, trial, deploy and scale up the technology.


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
14 February 2024 - 13 February 2025
Company's Country
United Kingdom
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The UK company specialises in the development of advanced vertical axis wind turbines which are quieter and more efficient than existing technologies. The company seeks partners to help them demonstrate a new design which is not yet deployed at a commercial scale. They seek a commercial agreement with technical assistance. They are also interested in joining consortia for research projects around advanced renewable energy solutions where they can bring in their expertise.
Full Description
The company is a small renewable energy company based in the United Kingdom with expertise in vertical wind technologies and floating wind concepts.

The company offers a highly efficient vertical axis wind turbine technology solution for businesses and landowners involving the unique controlling of vertical blades with an adjustable flap on the trailing edge being lighter and more stable and efficient than current wind technologies.

The technology specifically increases the power produced by wind turbines; this is achieved by increasing the lift produced from the blades of vertical axis wind turbines, and the application of effective digital operational control processes.

The proof of concept has been completed and the technology now needs to be demonstrated on a commercial working scale, the aim being to lend confidence to future investment decisions.

The company seeks industry partners for potential commercial agreements in the deployment and scale up of this specialist renewable energy technology, with technical assistance, as well as potential collaborations with research institutions having a keen interest in this area.
Advantages and Innovations
The UK company’s vertical axis renewable energy wind technology (with Intellectual Property patent protection in over 40 countries worldwide) provides a significant upgrade in operational performance of up to at least 10% compared to existing wind technologies in the market.

The value proposition is unique in the controlling of vertical blades that contain an adjustable flap on the trailing edge - this design is much the same as ailerons or flaps on aircraft which can rotate to control and increase the amount of lift and turbine performance. This technology specifically increases wind turbine generation efficiency and enables precise power blade control in various operating conditions, and allows the power from the turbine to be precisely operated and controlled toward zero and/or stall the turbine aerodynamically to stop it.

The design has been tested in wind and water at small scale and has also been trialled using two different software management techniques that are driving innovative state of the art technology that is more dynamic and agile than current technologies including significant cost savings in wind turbine modelling, installation, and operational management.

This performance has been validated by computational fluid dynamics measuring every angle and position around a rotation.

This technology is also able to be effectively installed in offshore environments on a floating platform, typically reducing the cost of installation with an anticipated typical 40% reduction in Co2e/embodied energy materials required in installation and use.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 13: Climate Action

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The UK company is seeking to partner with businesses and research organisations who would like to implement this advanced renewable energy solution within their business development activities.

The partner would collaborate with the UK company on live testing and trialling - potentially through commercial agreements with technical assistance.

The partner would adapt the solution into their respective systems and adjust the technology to their specific requirements; they would offer their technical advice and support services throughout the deployment of the technology.

Potential partners could also be involved in supporting the UK company with the development of controls and integration with electrical generation infrastructure, bringing further technology collaboration and technical support.

The company is also interested in research cooperation with research institutions and companies active in R&D in their field.
They would potentially be interested in joining research projects and consortia where they can bring in their expertise in vertical axis wind technologies and floating wind technological development for business, manufacturing industry, utilities, inshore and offshore authorities, and related energy generation infrastructure and distribution networks, and are open to discuss further types of co-operation and commercialisation.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249UniversitySME <=10Big companyR&D InstitutionSME 11-49Other
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
04005008 - Wind energy
Market keywords
06003003 - Wind energy06009 - Energy Distribution
Sector Groups Involved
Renewable Energy
Targeted countries
All countries