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Horizon Europe CL4 project leader seeks for partners to join a proposal aiming at the development of innovative systems with silicon photonics (SiPH) chip processing for distributed fiber sensing


Profile Type
  • Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
27 December 2024 - 27 December 2025
Company's Country
  • Spain
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Horizon Europe project leader seeks partners to complete a consortium for the topic HORIZON-CL4-2025-04-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01: Advanced sensor technologies and multimodal sensor integration for multiple application domains (IA) (Photonics Partnership). The project’s main objective is to develop:
1. Innovative systems with SiPH chip processing for distributed fiber sensing using Rayleuh or Raman technology.
2. Sensors with integrating Peripheral Interface Controllers for current measurement.
Full Description
The company leading the project is an advanced optical sensor systems manufacturer which also offers engineering services particularly within the power industry. They provide real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and fault prevention for critical assets.
The project proposed will contribute to exploit the potential of photonics for a digital, green and healthy future by:
1. Increasing the efficiency of photonic sensors, surpassing existing technologies in aspects such as energy consumption, data acquisition and processing speed, as well as measurement accuracy.
2. Reducing the size, weight, or footprint of the sensors and quantify advancements over current tecnologies
3. Reducing manufacturing costs and increasing resource-efficiency, while also enhancing reliability and durability of the targeted sensor systems.

The final application to be developed would be:
• Remote diagnosis of highly critical assets
• Permanent diagnosis of security system regarding electrical supply.

The company is looking for partners under any of the following profiles:
• Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and Operators in the health, aeronautical, food, and electrical sectors.
• Silicon Photonics technological development centers or PICs.
• Foundries with experience in complex PICs.
• Companies with experience in developing APIs, software, or Artificial Intelligence for the above sectors.
Advantages and Innovations
The scope of this call focuses on the advancement and application of photonics sensor technologies and their integration into multimodal systems. The proposal for which the company is looking for partners will address the development of sensor technologies and their validation through trials in realistic use cases.
In addition, the proposal will focus on developing and integrating algorithms designed to enhance the processing capabilities and decision-making accuracy of photonic sensors. These algorithms may help to optimize the interpretation of complex sensor data, enable real-time analytics, ambient intelligenceand adaptive responses in dynamic environaments.
Activities are expected to start at TRL 3 and achieve TRL 7 by the end of the project.
Stage of Development
  • Concept stage
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
IPR description
The partner sough must have expertise multi-modal sensors as well as employing sensor fusion and machine learning approaches for the analysis of sensor data. They should have knowledge and background experience in different technology approaches, i.e. sensor modalities, of which at least one must be photonic from the following areas:
• Integrated photonic solutions
• Communication fiber sensing
• Bio- and medical sensing and/or imaging  

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The partner sough must have expertise multi-modal sensors as well as employing sensor fusion and machine learning approaches for the analysis of sensor data. They should have knowledge and background experience in different technology approaches, i.e. sensor modalities, of which at least one must be photonic from the following areas:
• Integrated photonic solutions
• Communication fiber sensing
• Bio- and medical sensing and/or imaging
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME <=10
  • SME 50 - 249
  • Big company
  • SME 11-49
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
  • Horizon Europe
Call title and identifier
HORIZON-CL4-2025-04-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01: Advanced sensor technologies and multimodal sensor integration for multiple application domains (IA) (Photonics Partnership)
Anticipated project budget
EUR 5.00 Million
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call


Technology keywords
  • 04002013 - Smart grids
Market keywords
  • 03001005 - Microprocessors
  • 03001006 - Controllers
  • 03001001 - Semiconductors
  • 03001007 - Circuit boards
Targeted countries
  • All countries