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Enterprise Europe Network

Industrialization for production of advanced mechanical equipment.


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
17 May 2024 - 17 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The company offers one-stop shop for industrializing advanced mechanisms.

From concept (TRL 1-3) to full-scale production (TRL 9), their team in Spain delivers efficiency, precision, and seamless integration.

They excel at complex projects & guarantee quality and 20+ years of experience in high-tech like space missions.
Full Description
The Spanish company goes all the way from Concept Sketch to Production Line: Your One-Stop Shop for Industrializing Advanced Mechanisms.

This company's expertise can help you transform your groundbreaking concept for advanced mechanical equipment into a smoothly running production line.
They are specialised in taking a project from its earliest stages (TRL 1-3) all the way to full-scale manufacturing (TRL 9). They do not just design and prototype – they are your partner throughout the entire industrialization process.

Here is how they bridge the gap between your vision and reality:

- Efficiency & Precision at Every Step: The team of specialists tackles every aspect of industrialization, from designing efficient manufacturing processes to meticulously sourcing the perfect components. Focus on minimizing waste and maximizing quality, ensuring your equipment runs flawlessly.

- Seamless Integration & Rigorous Testing: They do not just create the pieces – they also make them work together. The expertise in integration ensures all components function as a cohesive unit. Rigorous testing guarantees your equipment meets the highest performance standards.

- Collaborative Approach & Continuous Improvement: The company believes in close collaboration. Throughout the process, they work hand-in-hand with you to ensure your vision is realised. And because they are committed to continuous improvement, constantly refine their processes to deliver the best possible outcome for every project.

The company is looking to collaborate with other institutions who want to turn their innovative concept into a reality with a smooth transition from prototype to production line. It is a partner specialising in excellence in industrialisation.
Advantages and Innovations
- Over 20 years of High-Tech experience designing and building equipment for space missions and leading scientific institutions.

- Cost-effective Efficiency: Their team optimizes product design and manufacturing processes, ensuring your advanced machines are built efficiently and affordably.

- Guaranteed quality & speed: Through a network of certified suppliers, they secure high-quality components at competitive prices, all while meeting your critical deadlines.

- Overcoming difficult challenges such as tight tolerances, exotic materials, or intricate manufacturing needs. They thrive on tackling the complex. Their cutting-edge facilities, combined with our experienced team and a meticulously selected supply chain, ensure your project overcomes any obstacle.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Companies that want to bring their mechanical equipment ideas to life, from initial concept (TRL 1-3) to full-scale production (TRL 9).

Their expertise is particularly sought after in the aerospace & defense sectors, as well as by large science institutions developing cutting-edge opto-mechanical equipment.

They apply their skills to spectrometers and optical measurement devices used in medical application for disease detection and beyond.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49Big companyR&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249UniversitySME <=10
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
02010002 - Engineering09001007 - Optical Technology related to measurements02011001 - Aeronautical technology / Avionics02011005 - Space Exploration and Technology09001005 - Mechanical Technology related to measurements
Market keywords
08003007 - Other industrial equipment and machinery08005 - Other Industrial Products (not elsewhere classified)08002002 - Industrial measurement and sensing equipment
Targeted countries
All countries