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Initial clinical and radiological proof for therapeutic effectiveness of a novel drug against highly malignant brain tumors, urges patent owner consortium to seek collaboration with a Pharmaceutical Company for clinical trials and “orphan drug” marketing.


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
20 May 2024 - 20 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Individuals diagnosed with brain tumors of high malignancy generally have a prognosis of less than one year. However, the proposed novel drug has demonstrated remarkable success for the two first patients, who are alive and well 6.5 and 1.5 years respectively after treatment, with no evidence of recurrence and radiological evidence of the drug's efficacy.
Full Description
Current drugs targeting brain tumors are administered intravenously. The physiological “blood-brain barrier"allows less than 2% of any drug to reach the brain and a much smaller percentage to reach the tumor. As a result, no therapeutic drugs’ concentrations are achieved at target cells.
Local administration of various drug regimens, through various drug delivery methods, for high grade gliomas has not extended patients’ survival till today.
The novel drug was developed solely for local administration - a combination of:
1) diaminobutyric acid (DAB), documented as effective for high grade glioma tumor destruction and patient-safe for intratumoral administration in two published studies, involving a total of 13 patients
2) Prazosin, documented as effective against TICs (tumor initiating cells) - responsible for high grade glioma tumors’ recurrences.
The clinical result of the first two patients is optimal.
In both cases, after maximal safe tumor resection, two catheters were left at the tumor's excision bed, connected to drug infusion pumps and infused the novel drug - for 4 and 5 days respectively, at a flow rate regulated according to the patient's clinical status and intracranial pressure.
Our consortium’s scientific team welcomes any proposal for conducting an officially registered, CRO (clinical research organization) monitored, perspective clinical trial οf primary and recurrent high-grade glioma patients for evaluating the novel drug.
Advantages and Innovations
European Patent has already been granted and there is an ongoing PCT application.
First patient's case already published in a prestigious scientific journal.
Prazosin has been used as anti-hypertensive drug for decades and can be repurposed for a clinical trial with no regulatory delays.
Existing EU legislation demands a new drug file for the combination DAB + Prazosin, due to the fact that DAB has not been previously marketed as a drug.
High grade gliomas (rare and lethal disease with no existing therapy) allow for an "orphan drug designation", thus a pharmaceutical company benefits from significant marketing advantages globally: sales can start as soon as the novel treatment's patient safety parameters are established in an officially registered clinical trial - expected in a few months from the start of the clinical trial.
The partner wanted should be adept at navigating the regulatory frameworks, within the EU and US, as to establish an officially registered clinical trial of the above treatment, obtain “orphan drug designation” for the novel drug and market it while proving its clinical superiority over existing therapies for high grade gliomas.
Stage of Development
Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The chosen partner will be responsible for orchestrating and executing clinical trials in compliance with EMA and FDA regulations, aiming to establish “orphan drug designation” - and, eventually, clinical superiority over existing therapies - for the novel drug, as well as for marketing it.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companyR&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249University
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
06001002 - Clinical Research, Trials06001012 - Medical Research
Market keywords
05005014 - Oncology
Sector Groups Involved
HealthMaritime Industries and ServicesMobility - Transport - Automotive
Targeted countries
All countries
