- Profile Type
- Technology offer
- POD Reference
- TOES20240710011
- Term of Validity
- 14 August 2024 - 14 August 2025
- Company's Country
- Spain
- Type of partnership
- Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement
- Targeted Countries
- GermanyFranceMexicoUnited StatesSingaporeUnited KingdomAustralia
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General information
- Short Summary
- Oriented to solve early detection and decision-making help regarding cardiac abnormalities diseases, the Spanish company, offers its AI, software and hardware capacities and solutions for health tech and medical digitalization sectoral innovation agents willing to collaborate in new developments under commercial agreements with technological assistance or under research cooperation agreements.
- Full Description
Founded by two serial entrepreneurs coming from the medtech engineering and business development fields, the young technology company, develops produces and markets a wide range of software, hardware and medtech goods and solutions, for B2C private customers, B2B companies, and B2G public sector hospitals.
At the core of their current innovation portfolio, the company is developing a new non invasive solution for cardiac helth monitoring. After finishing a collaborative scientific project with 4 cardiologists at regional hospitals acting as mentors and with collaboration from the Technological Park of Leganés and the Carlos III University of Madrid; product is at MVP statg preparing for CE mark and conducting clinical validation at one of the regional hospitals that contributed to initial stages, data collection is still on going.
The project next milestones are to integrate IoT technologies, telemedicine, and advanced Machine Learning models for a more precise cardiac signal analysis.
This way the device's development will not only predict heart failure (HF) events, but will also serve for monitoring diagnosed patients, predicting health states linked to hospitalizations. Some other functionalities are also under consideration regarding the evidence data value chain integration, and this way a new facial dermatological colorimetry and morphology analysis using Computer Vision, aiming to identify and extract image patterns for non-invasive patient monitoring is under consideration for an open development with collaborators.
After prototipe development conclusion, the company will embark in its clinical validation, in different collaborating hospitals in Madrid on one side and in different Europe countries under a multi centric scheme.
The company internationalization strategy its linked to their collaborative innovation strategy approach , where technical and business partneships are sought for new product developments worldwide, preferably in Latam, Eu (Germany, France), and UK.. - Advantages and Innovations
Company's main innovation lies on the development of their proprietary device—a portable, multisensor, non-invasive solution designed to optimize cardiac health monitoring. The device improves the quality of life of heart failure patients without requiring them to go to the hospital, since its evolution will be monitored systematically and automatically because it is a non-invasive sensor. It is an aid to cardiologists' decisions, thus improving patient care.
The device architecture, integrates a set of different sensors for and optimal measure/data input which are combined with the middleware and hardware components where the designded AI algorithms are embebed. Sensors technology include, a LED sensor for finger photoplethysmography (PPG) pulse monitoring, an electroacoustic sensor for heart sounds (PCG) recording. , and a third , two electrodes electrocardiogram sensor.
Device advantages to be considered :
•Prediction of NTproBNP Biomarker levels 15 days in advance
•Prediction and Identification of heart failure events through dermatological signs such as spider angiomas (indicative of blood vessel dilation), blood circulation problems, cyanosis (sign of reduced blood flow), and xanthelasma (cholesterol accumulation, increased risk of heart failure).
•Cardiac abnormalities diagnosis tiime reduction: Helps specialized professionals diagnose conditions faster. serving as a support tool for healthcare personnel, providing experts with valuable information and allowing users semi-passive health monitoring, significantly reducing the costs associated with monitoring and treating diagnosed heart failure patients, and enabling early detection of heart failure.
• Short Learning Curve: Focuses on ease of access to information.
•Reduction of Hospital Costs: Decreases hospital expenses related to heart failure admissions in implementing centers.
•Decreased Patient Expenses: Reduces out-of-pocket costs for patients in regions without public healthcare systems. - Stage of Development
- Available for demonstration
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- IPR description
- They are seeking strategic partnerships with SMEs, universities, research centers, and end-users. Their focus is on selecting high-quality partners who are keen to advance this technology with their expertise and resources. This targeted approach will ensure the successful development and enhancement of their innovative sensor technology.
Partner Sought
- Expected Role of a Partner
Ailgned with the expertise sought, the company is looking for partners (SME, Research Centers, Universities) with experience, knowledge and activities in fields related to health tech, med tech and digital services provision, willing to test, develop or implement innovative solutions to ameliorate their products/services coverage and capacities. Regarding company product development stages, other partners as Medical device, manufacturing partners. Medtech systems engineering and developers.
or Cardiac and hearth related innovation agents could be welcome regarding discussions on future stages. - Type and Size of Partner
- SME 11-49SME 50 - 249Big companyUniversityR&D InstitutionSME <=10
- Type of partnership
- Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement
- Technology keywords
- 01004001 - Applications for Health01003003 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)01002001 - Micro and Nanotechnology related to Electronics and Microelectronics06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering01003023 - Environmental and Biometrics Sensors, Actuators
- Market keywords
- 05001001 - Diagnostic services05004001 - Electromedical and medical equipment05004005 - Diagnostic equipment
- Sector Groups Involved
- DigitalElectronicsHealth
- Targeted countries
- GermanyFranceMexicoUnited StatesSingaporeUnited KingdomAustralia
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