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International Open Innovation Program seeks Start-ups and Scale-ups offering technological solutions that enable data collection and elaboration to support operators (the challenge closes on the 5th of July 2024)


Closed for EoI
Profile Type
  • Technology request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
16 April 2024 - 16 April 2025
Company's Country
  • Italy
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement with technical assistance
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Italian companies taking part in an International Open Innovation Program seek Start-ups and Scale-ups offering technological solutions to improve operator support through smart data extraction and processing, digitalized instructions, and real-time monitoring to ensure safety and efficiency. All solutions should focus on Data-Driven Innovation and have a minimum TRL of 4. Participation in the program is free and research and/or commercial cooperation between partners is envisaged.
Full Description
MATCHER is the International Open Innovation Program of the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). The program aims at scouting national and international Start-ups / Scale-ups to create business matches with 12 Corporates from the region and to allow them to start pilots and collaborations for the resolution of their specific business needs.

The business challenges launched by the 12 Italian companies for the fourth edition of the program regard Data-Driven Innovation. Specifically the challenges part of Cluster 1 focus on Data collection and elaboration to support operators.

The creation, collection and elaboration of data, including synthetic data, from various sources, including products, machinery, processes, and individuals, through the use of dedicated technologies, are essential for obtaining comprehensive and relevant information.

Solutions sought by the companies participating in this cluster should have a minimum TRL of 4 and include:

#1. Smart data extraction and processing from diverse internal sources
Scouting a comprehensive solution for efficient data retrieval from diverse internal sources by employees

#2. Digitalizing operational instructions to support operators in their activities in the production line
Scouting a software solution for the digitalization of manufacturing working instructions by creating a virtual & interactive check list leveraging on current data with the possibility of monitoring employees’ activities

#3. Monitor operators’ actions and position along production lines to prevent injuries or work-related illness
Scouting a privacy-compliant monitoring system that captures and analyzes ergonomic data to ensure operator safety and health on the production line

Participation in the program is free and research and/or commercial cooperation is envisaged depending on the solutions’ TRL. The 12 companies will discuss the exact type of cooperation with the potential Start-up partners.

IMPORTANT: This technology request refers to an open innovation challenge program published on a separate online platform (b2match). Interested Start-ups/ Scale ups will be guided to the Program website. Applicants will receive a link to submit their proposal after creating an Expression of Interest.

During registration, interested applicants will be asked to select one or more challenges that correspond with this technology request profile. If admitted to the programme, Start-ups and Scale-ups will benefit from training and will be able to create their (presentation) profile to connect with the companies in order to organise 1to1 matchmaking meetings.

The Emilia-Romagna company who is the challenge owner will select the organisations that they would like to meet for the development of the solution.

The challenge closes on the 5th of July 2024.
Advantages and Innovations
MATCHER is a unique chance for Start-ups and Scale-ups from all over the world, Corporate partners and other actors of the innovation ecosystem to meet and create a win-win business relationship. The goal is to co-develop concrete pilots and go-to-market strategies.

If admitted to the programme, Start-ups and Scale-ups will benefit from training and will be able to create their (presentation) profile to connect with the companies in order to organise 1to1 matchmaking meetings.

Why should Start-ups and Scale-ups apply?

- Access to Italian corporates: Get in touch with companies that are keen to innovate and ready to collaborate with start-ups / scale-ups.
- Internationalisation: Start collaborating and make a deal with the corporates to open up new opportunities in the Italian market.
- Start-ups and Scale-ups support: Improve your pitching skills with help from the MATCHER team and meet innovative corporates ready to disrupt the industry.
Stage of Development
  • Lab tested
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
IPR description
Who can apply?

Any Start-up or Scale-up with a solution or know-how compliant with the challenges and with a minimum TRL of 4. The applicants should be from any of the Enterprise Europe Network countries.

During registration, interested applicants will be asked to select one or more challenges that correspond with this technology request profile. Applicants will have to demonstrate how their solution meets the needs of the company that launched the challenge.

For the purposes of the call:

-A Start-up is a company that is in the first stage of its operations developing a product or service for which it believes there is a demand.
-A Scale-up is a company with an average annualised return of at least 20% in the past 3 years, at least 10 employees at the beginning of the period (OECD, 2007).

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Potential partners are Start-ups or Scale-ups with a solution or know-how compliant with the challenges and with a minimum TRL of 4 from any of the Enterprise Europe Network countries.

Start-ups or Scale-ups are required to propose innovative ideas and/or solutions focussing on Data collection and elaboration to support operators and based on a Data-Driven Innovation approach.

The solution offered should demonstrably meet one or more business challenges.

Suitable companies are invited to propose their expertise. After being selected, the goal is to co-develop concrete pilots and a go-to-market strategy under research or commercial cooperation agreement.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME 11-49
  • SME <=10
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement with technical assistance
  • Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
  • 01003003 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • 01003006 - Computer Software
  • 01004012 - Operation Planning and Scheduler System
  • 01004017 - Work Hygiene and Safety Management
  • 01003008 - Data Processing / Data Interchange, Middleware
Market keywords
  • 02006004 - Data processing, analysis and input services
  • 02007003 - Operating systems and utilities
  • 02007016 - Artificial intelligence related software
  • 02007011 - Manufacturing/industrial software
  • 02006005 - Big data management
Sector Groups Involved
  • Digital
Targeted countries
  • All countries