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A Lithuanian company specializing in healthy coconut-based snacks and a healthier alternative to energy drinks seeks distributors.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
13 May 2024 - 13 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Supplier agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Lithuanian company specializing in healthy bars with coconuts as the primary ingredient is seeking distributors or retailers for their products. The company is open to partnering with potential buyers under a supplier agreement. They are eager to expand their reach and introduce their healthy and delicious bars to a wider audience.
Full Description
A Lithuanian company that produces healthy bars, the main ingredient of which is coconut, is looking for distributors.

Established in Lithuania in 2020, this company crafts healthy products for the community. Based in Vilnius, Lithuania, they produce bars, creams, "coconut bombs," and other healthy foods.

They use:

Carefully selected, high-quality nuts free from artificial additives and palm fat.
Stone-ground coconuts create a cream that tastes like white chocolate.
Satiating and nutritious, with no added sugar.
Their focus is: TASTE, QUALITY, CHOICE.

Company products cater to athletes, dieters, office workers, children, businesspeople, and anyone seeking a simple snack.

The company seeks partnerships across EUROPE – their product is top-notch. They can create private branding, packaging, or fulfill any other ideas.

Additionally, they offer a unique, patented functional drink called IDRINQ, fortified with vitamins.
Advantages and Innovations
• Grinding coconuts with stone mills produces a cream that tastes like white chocolate
• Saturated and nutritious, without added sugar
• Carefully selected, high-quality nuts without the use of artificial additives or palm fat
• High in Good Fats
• Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
• No Added Sugar
• Private labelling for all companies, etc.
• Healthy, Natural products
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Not relevant

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
A Lithuanian company producing healthy snacks with coconuts as the main ingredient is looking for distributors.
The company also produces an alternative to energy drinks. The product works similarly to regular energy drinks but does not contain harmful substances that do not cause side effects in humans.

Partners are sought: shopping malls, online stores, sports goods stores, etc.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companyOtherSME 11-49SME <=10SME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Supplier agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
07003002 - Health food
Targeted countries
All countries


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