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Enterprise Europe Network

Phygital Ecosystem for User-Centered Healthcare


Profile Type
  • Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
18 April 2024 - 18 April 2025
Company's Country
  • Italy
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
An Italian startup with a phygital platform for patient management and community prevention is seeking EU partners. The platform includes modular hardware kiosks and mini totems for users to self-report health data, and SaaS software to create personalized digital twins and access health services.
Full Description
An Italian startup established in 2019 has developed an innovative phygital platform that empowers end-users by promoting digital health services for prevention, personalized medicine (5P), and efficient patient management. The platform combines modular hardware, such as kiosks and mini totems, with SaaS software to facilitate users' self-reporting of health and well-being parameters. This data is then used to construct personalized 'digital twins' and provide access to a marketplace of digital and physical health-related services.
Advantages and Innovations
Key features of the proposed solution include:
- Lifestyle kiosk for prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion, catering to clinical institutes, insurance companies, and corporate well-being programs
- Emergency room totem for streamlined triage process with multilingual anamnestic questionnaire and standardized measures
- Clinic kiosk for video examinations supported by diagnostic instrumentation, enabling distributed digital health services and clinical care
- Over 40 different health parameters for developing epidemiological surveys and data-driven welfare initiatives
- Modular development allowing diverse forms of access to physical technologies and digital services
- Seamless user experience with rapid measurements completed within 10 minutes
The company is certified ISO-13485 (medical devices)
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
IPR description
Looking for sales-oriented collaborations.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The solution is delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS) with recurring fees typically on an annual or multi-year basis, B2B market for the SW and sales for the HW. The main sales channels are any type of partnership, including: - Resellers in public and/or private healthcare - Consulting companies - Insurance brokers - Corporate Wellbeing - Public Administration
Type and Size of Partner
  • Big company
  • Other
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement


Technology keywords
  • 06005002 - Sensors & Wireless products
  • 01004001 - Applications for Health
  • 09001009 - Sensor Technology related to measurements
  • 01003006 - Computer Software
  • 06005003 - Health information management
Market keywords
  • 07002005 - Other retailing
  • 05007005 - Hospital and other institutional management
  • 07004002 - Health and beauty aids
Targeted countries
  • All countries