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Polish prosthetic company specializing in the production of a bionic foot prosthesis and individually tailored prosthetic equipment created using 3D scanning, 3D printing, carbon fiber composite lamination technologies is looking for distributors


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
4 December 2023 - 3 December 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Supplier agreementCommercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The company, a manufacturer of prosthetic equipment for lower limb amputees, offers innovative products like the bionic foot prosthesis with unique features such as a wide range of ankle movement and remote updates. Utilizing advanced technologies like 3D printing and Motion Capture for custom fittings, they aim to make high-quality prosthetics affordable and accessible, enhancing service standards. A company seeking distributors for its own products, sales channels, franchisees, and collaborati
Full Description
The company, as a manufacturer, provides high-quality prosthetic equipment and proper service for individuals with lower limb amputations. Offering top-notch, innovative prosthetic components to both its own patients and external entities, the company ensures competitive prices due to independently producing the majority of prosthetic components. Its flagship product is the bionic foot prosthesis, distinguished by unique features on the global market, such as the widest range of ankle joint movement among electronic prosthetics, remote firmware updates, IP68 rating, and many others.
The prosthetic fitting process involves cutting-edge technologies like 3D scanning and printing, as well as Motion Capture (MOCAP) systems. Operating in Central and Eastern Europe, the company is seeking additional distribution channels in this region while also planning global expansion due to the quality and cost-effectiveness of its products. With branches in various countries within its region, the company is looking for entities interested in establishing points of presence in additional countries.
The company's mission is to reduce social inequalities by enabling access to high-quality prosthetic equipment at an affordable price for individuals with lower limb amputations. Furthermore, it aims to enhance the standard of service provided to these individuals Currently, the company offers:
- Carbon foot prosthesis various sizes, and stiffness
- Electronic foot prosthesis various sizes, and stiffness
- Custom-made carbon prosthetic sockets using scan and 3D printing technology.
Services provided by the company:
- Adapting the prosthesis to the patient, conducting gait retraining using MOCAP technology.
Products in the development phase:
- Electronic knee prosthesis – TRL6
Advantages and Innovations
The Polish company possesses expertise in manufacturing individually tailored prosthetic equipment, with one of its innovative products being the Bionic Foot Prosthesis. This advanced prosthesis dynamically adjusts to the patient and their gait in real-time, achieving a highly natural walking pattern through microprocessor-controlled magnetorheological damping. The bionic foot prosthesis from the Polish company boasts the largest range of mobility, reaching up to 33 degrees, and is sealed at the IP68 level. The prosthesis features a dedicated mobile application and, uniquely, allows for remote software updates and customization to footwear.
Another advantage of the bionic foot prosthesis over competitors is its cost, averaging only one-third of the market price of comparable prosthetic feet. The company also manufactures dynamic prosthetic feet using carbon fiber laminate and high-quality aerospace aluminum. These materials ensure a lightweight prosthesis, a crucial factor in the context of prosthetic supply. The developed technology for composite manufacturing ensures a durable yet flexible prosthesis.
Every patient requiring a prosthetic foot needs a prosthetic socket. The Polish company has developed an innovative technology for producing individually tailored prosthetic sockets using 3D scanning and printing. Thanks to this technology, patients can stand on their feet within a week. The company collaborates with state hospitals and similar medical institutions abroad.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 10: Reduced InequalityGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 15: Life on Land

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Type of partner:
Companies distributing prosthetic equipment. Rehabilitation centers, Hospitals. Orthopedic facilities. Prosthetic companies.

Partner's role:
Product sales. Establishment of a prosthetic fitting center.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249OtherBig companyR&D InstitutionSME 11-49SME <=10
Type of partnership
Supplier agreementCommercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
06001013 - Medical Technology / Biomedical Engineering3D printing06001020 - Physiotherapy, Orthopaedic Technology01001001 - Automation, Robotics Control Systems
Market keywords
05005016 - Environmental Medicine, Social Medicine, Sports Medicine05010003 - Patient rehabilitation & training08002004 - Robotics05005015 - Orthopaedics
Targeted countries
All countries
