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Regulation-compliant bioinformatics for time and cost-efficient phage therapy development in human and veterinary health


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
4 December 2023 - 3 December 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Based in France, the SME offers regulation-compliant, state-of-the-art bioinformatics for phage therapy in human and veterinary health. They developed their own technology, specialized in genomic analysis, providing time and cost-saving services ideal for biotech firms and healthcare institutions. They are looking for partnerships and collaborations to expand their reach and impact in the healthcare sector.
Full Description
Located in Paris, France, the company is at the forefront of advancing bioinformatics solutions, specifically tailored for the emerging field of phage therapy, a key area in the global shift towards alternatives to traditional antibiotics. The company's primary focus is on the in-depth bioinformatics analysis of bacteriophages, which are being increasingly recognized as a potent solution to the growing challenge of antibiotic resistance. The firm's expertise lies in conducting comprehensive genomic studies of these phages, a process essential for identifying any genetic elements that may pose risks to patients or the environment, such as genes related to lysogeny, virulence, or antibiotic resistance.

Furthermore, the company extends its bioinformatics prowess to the analysis of bacterial strains used in phage production. This includes meticulous screening for prophages within bacterial genomes, a crucial step in ensuring the purity and safety of phage batches for therapeutic use. Such rigorous analysis not only aids in avoiding contamination by dormant phages but also reinforces the overall efficacy and safety of the phage therapy products.

The company's role is not limited to analysis alone; it actively engages in the development of new analytical methods to enhance the quality assessment of phages and bacteria, particularly for those entities already marketing products in the human and veterinary health sectors. This endeavor is crucial for businesses and laboratories seeking to navigate the regulatory landscapes of health sectors while introducing innovative, non-antibiotic solutions.

The pursuit of long-term solutions in phage therapy is a hallmark of the company's R&D efforts. This involves not just tackling current challenges in the field but also preemptively addressing potential future hurdles, thereby contributing to the development of effective, sustainable phage-based remedies.

In terms of partnerships, the company is open to a broad spectrum of collaborative opportunities. These include but are not limited to knowledge exchange with other industry leaders, joint R&D projects, technology integration, and potentially co-development agreements with entities across various sectors, including biotechnology, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industries. Such collaborations aim to further the reach and impact of phage therapy as a viable alternative to conventional antibiotics, aligning with the global healthcare community's efforts to combat antibiotic resistance.
Advantages and Innovations
Here is the list of all the advantages of working with them:

- Advanced genomic analysis: Utilizes cutting-edge bioinformatics for detailed phage genome analysis, surpassing traditional methods in accuracy and speed.

- Regulatory compliance: Ensures that all analyses adhere to current regulatory standards, safeguarding patient and environmental safety.

- Cost and time efficiency: Significantly reduces the development time and costs for phage therapy development with optimized analysis processes and reduction of wet lab experiments.

- Environmental and health risk mitigation: Precisely identifies genes related to lysogeny, virulence, or antibiotic resistance in phages, lowering the risk of adverse consequences.

- Phage quality enhancement: Innovative analytical methods to assess the quality of phages and bacteria, crucial for the efficacy and safety of final products.

- Rigorous bacterial strain selection: Thorough analysis of bacterial strains for prophage presence, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.

- Antibiotic resistance reduction: Directly contributes to combating antibiotic resistance by offering a targeted and viable alternative.

- Versatile applications: Services applicable in various sectors, including human and veterinary health, suitable for both biotech companies and research laboratories.

- Strategic partnerships: Open to diverse collaborations to expand the application and impact of phage therapy, including co-developments and knowledge exchanges.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The French company seeks partnerships across a broad spectrum of industries and sectors within the phage therapy field. Ideal partners include, but are not limited to:

- Biotech and pharmaceutical companies: Specifically those engaged in the development and production of phage therapy products. They expect these partners to collaborate in joint R&D projects, share insights on phage application in therapeutic contexts, and potentially integrate their bioinformatics services into their product development pipelines.

- Academic and research institutions: Universities and research organizations specializing in microbiology, virology, and bioinformatics. From these partners, they seek collaborative research initiatives, knowledge exchange, and assistance in advancing their understanding of phage genomics and bioinformatics.

- Healthcare organizations: Hospitals and healthcare providers interested in applying phage therapy. They anticipate these partners to provide practical insights into clinical applications and feedback on the efficacy of phage treatments, enhancing their service offerings.

- Regulatory and environmental bodies: Organizations involved in the regulation of phage therapy and environmental safety. Their expectation is to work with these partners for ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and to understand the environmental impact of phage therapy.

- Technology and software developers: Companies specializing in bioinformatics software and technology. They are looking to collaborate on developing advanced tools and platforms that can enhance their genomic analysis capabilities.

In terms of tasks, they expect their partners to engage actively in collaborative projects, share expertise, provide access to necessary resources (like clinical data or technological tools), and contribute to mutual goals of advancing phage therapy as a reliable alternative to antibiotics. They are open to various forms of collaboration, including joint ventures, research collaborations, and sharing of intellectual resources.
Type and Size of Partner
R&D InstitutionSME 11-49UniversitySME <=10Big companySME 50 - 249
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceResearch and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
07001003 - Biocontrol06002008 - Microbiology08002002 - Food Microbiology / Toxicology / Quality Control06001018 - Virus, Virology/Antibiotics/Bacteriology06003001 - Bioinformatics
Market keywords
05003001 - Therapeutic services04010 - Microbiology02007012 - Medical/health software04014 - Bioinformatics05006 - Anatomy, Pathology, Immunology, Physiology
Sector Groups Involved
Targeted countries
All countries