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A Romanian accommodation and food services provider is interested in signing commercial agreements with international partners.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
15 May 2024 - 15 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Romanian lodging provider would like to conclude commercial agreements with foreign partners, alongside the axis of general hospitability services.
Full Description
The Romanian hotel was founded in 2004 and prides itself on being one of the most reputable lodging institutions in the region.

The hotel is conveniently located within easy reach to and from the local airport and the city centre, which makes it particularly attracting for travellers.

All rooms meet the highest hospitability standards, and include standard fittings and commodities, as follows:
Multiline phones
Room heating system
Daily housekeeping service
LCD TV - international satellite
Hair dryer
Free Wi-Fi internet
Bathroom with bathtub/shower cabin
Room service

The restaurant welcomes its guests with a rich menu of Romanian and international culinary specialties, in an exceptional ambient atmosphere.

The hotel is keen on signing commercial agreements with foreign partners, thus expanding their client portfolio and boosting market visibility. They are particularly interested in promoting to a larger extent their accommodation and food services, as well as help encourage domestic tourism among destination favourites for incoming travellers.
Advantages and Innovations
The host offers its guests a variety of welcoming lodging services, as well as high quality culinary and worldly event options. Highlights are as follows:
1. Different sized, fully equipped rooms (singles, doubles, matrimonial rooms, apartments)
2. Large capacity event salons (fitted with dance flooring, orchestra space, wardrobe, fully equipped bar and kitchen, sanitary facilities, filtration and air conditioning system)
3. Fully equipped conference room that can accommodate a large number of guests and cater different, event-related needs
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The company seeks international partners from the tourism industry with whom to cooperate under commercial agreements. Potential partners are expected to work together with the Romanian lodging provider towards attracting a larger number of tourists at urban, local level, with a key focus on general hospitality services and adherent accommodation and food necessities.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companyOtherSME 11-49SME 50 - 249SME <=10
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
07005003 - Hotels and resorts
Targeted countries
All countries