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A Romanian company seeks to become a commercial agent and distributor for bakery, pastry, and HoReCa products, including dairy, delicacies, sweets, and chocolate products.


Profile Type
Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
16 May 2024 - 16 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Romanian commercial company is looking for partnerships with manufacturers and commercial agents in the fields of products for bakery, pastry and confectionary products, delicacies, and chocolate that is interested in generating export sales in Romania.
Full Description
The Romanian company has 10 years of business experience in developing import sales in Romania.
The main sales channels are in the fields of basic products for confectonary field.
The company has the capacity of 2 large warehouses and can trade and manipulating 3 containers of 40 high cube, on a monthly base.
The company is located in the middle of Romania with good proximity to all cities. Thus, it has a well-organized distribution network and an existing customer base.
Complete service delivery, from the warehouse door to any destination to customers;
The company has identified opportunities in Romania for the development of trade with:
- dairy products: cheese, smoked cheese, mascarpone, cheese cream, whipped cream, butter
- potato flakes
- olives: canned green olives, canned sliced black olives, canned calamata olives, olive oli.
- chocolate and chocolate decorations

The company commercializes a variety of products provides the basis for customers in the bakery and pastry and horeca industry some of them are dairy products and delicacies, preserves and chocolate decorations.
In order to expand its business, the company wants to be a commercial agent or distributor for manufacturing companies producing and comercializing the products shown above for the client like, restaurants, backerys, pastry shops and commercial agents.

The Romanian company can represent both SMEs and large companies that have the ambition to expand their sales outside their home market.
The company can identify competitor products, pricing/margin expectations of channel players and highlight gaps that may exist for a client's products and work to develop and implement a sales strategy.
Advantages and Innovations
This is a professional company that has considerable business experience.
The company is flexible and can tailor its support to include market development activities to meet customer needs.
The company is interested in building long-term relationships based on trust, honesty and commercial success.
Fluent communication in Romanian, English, Hungarian, German.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
IPR description
The company has sales channels that are in the fields of basic products for the confectonary field.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The potential partners will be manufacturing companies, distributers who want to enter the Romanian market.
The company is looking for manufacturers of dairy products and delicacies, chocolate decorations, potato flakes and oil of any kind.
Foreign partners are expected to provide full marketing support and grant exclusive rights under a commercial agency agreement.
Type and Size of Partner
SME <=10
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
08001002 - Food Additives/Ingredients/Functional Food
Market keywords
05008002 - Food and feed ingredients07003002 - Health food
Targeted countries
All countries