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Romanian NGO focused on innovative education methodologies seeks new international partners to submit joint projects under Erasmus+ and other European calls


Profile Type
  • Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
15 July 2024 - 15 July 2025
Company's Country
  • Romania
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Romanian NGO supports the personal development of young persons through activities which emphasize experiential learning and engage students in practical activities where they have the means and contexts to engage in self-discovery, awareness, personal and professional exploration. The Romanian association seeks new international partners with whom to engage in international educational projects under European calls. Cooperation will be based on research and development agreements.
Full Description
The Romanian NGO is an educational association established in 2017 from the founders’ desire to support young people in their personal and professional development through innovative education methods. The association addresses young people aged between 8 and 16 years old, in both urban and rural areas. Projects conducted so far by the association include a combination of traditional and modern topics presented to young people under the umbrella of experiential learning. In this context, the association has experience in projects including:

- crafting activities as a means for the development of soft skills such as patience, resilience, self-discovery etc. as well as planning, time management etc.;
- mentoring and coaching for young people;
- entrepreneurship-based education;
- arts, graphic design and media studies;
- digital skills;
- etc.

Members of the association have a wide experience in working with young persons in different settings and with different backgrounds, as well as in instructional design, UX design and usability.

The association is interested to further develop its projects and wishes to join international consortia with the aim of applying joint projects under Erasmus+ or other European calls in the areas of education, digital skills development, integration of young people coming from disadvantaged groups, entrepreneurship-based learning, experiential learning.

Cooperation with potential partners will be based on research and development agreements.
Advantages and Innovations
The Romanian NGO offers the following advantages:

- Expertise in instructional design, UX design and usability;
- Extensive experience in using innovative teaching methods with young persons;
- Excellent communication with international partners. The Romanian NGO has extensive experience in developing international partnerships. All members of the NGO adapt easily to multicultural environments.
- A pro-active attitude focused on problem-solving. The Romanian NGO is a young, dynamic organisation, able to react quickly to maximise results.
- High creativity and innovation potential – Members of the NGO are out of the box thinkers, thus leading to creative ideas with differentiate and add value to the projects proposed.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 4: Quality Education

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The Romanian NGO is interested in identifying new international partners active in the educational setting with whom to develop joint projects under Erasmus+ or other European calls.

Potential partners could include:
- Specialists in the educational and social fields interested to develop new, innovative projects in partnership with the Romanian NGO (including forming a consortium for attracting funding);
- High schools, vocational and other educational institutions interested in developing creative projects for addressing various social and educational needs in rural and urban contexts;
- Cities and municipalities or other actors interested in the educational and social integration of young people, including the development of employability skills via experiential and innovative teaching methods.;
- Private and public entities interested in creating consortia for attracting non-refundable funding in the areas of education and social integration of different target groups of young people.

Cooperation with the partners identified will be based on research and development agreements.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 11-49
  • University
  • SME 50 - 249
  • R&D Institution
  • Other
  • SME <=10
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement


Technology keywords
  • 11002 - Education and Training
Market keywords
  • 07005004 - Education and educational products and materials
Targeted countries
  • All countries