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A Romanian social enterprise is seeking to cooperate with various brands in order to conduct promotional activities through hostesses


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
17 May 2024 - 17 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The Romanian company is a below-the-line (BTL) agency that specializes in carrying out promotional activities aimed at specific individuals or groups. On behalf of their clients, they develop and execute marketing strategies designed to elicit immediate responses or actions from a targeted audience, especially through human resources. The seek to cooperate through commercial agreements with partners from EU and UK.
Full Description
The Romanian company is a below-the-line (BTL) agency that specializes in executing promotional activities that are targeted at specific individuals or groups.They work on behalf of our clients to create and implement marketing strategies that aim to generate immediate responses or actions from a select audience.

The company wants to cooperate with brands from the European Union and United Kingdom for advertising and promotional activities, especially through human resources - hostesses and other types of advertising services designed to facilitate the planning, organization and execution of events, ranging from corporate conferences, and team buildings, to weddings, parties, and small concerts.

The company has more than 10 years experience in the field, with over 200 happy customers and more than 1000 events, representing over 50 popular worldwide brands like Coca Cola, Pepsi, British American Tobacco, Kia, Hyundai, Audi, Rockstar, Orange, Vodafone, Popeye's, Huawei, Scania, Class, Cargill, Suzuki, Porsche, Motul, Qatar Airways, Syngenta, Jack Daniels, Perroni and many more.

The company is looking for partners in need of promotional services, with whom they would like to sign commercial agreements.
Advantages and Innovations
The social enterprise is dedicated to empowering marginalized communities, promoting inclusivity, and creating economic and social opportunities for disadvantaged individuals or groups. They emphasize ethical practices, fair labor standards, and active community engagement in all our operations.

The company has have a long-term vision for sustainable change, focusing on improving social indicators, environmental outcomes, and systemic shifts in society. Their strategies aim to provide lasting solutions rather than short-term fixes.

The company is an organization dedicated to addressing social, environmental, or cultural issues by applying business principles and strategies.

Their purpose and mission focus on creating a positive impact and making a meaningful difference in society, while also achieving financial sustainability.
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The potential partner will work closely with the Romanian company in order to specify their brand's needs and vision, so that the actions implemented by the Romanian company fully align with them.

All of the aspects related to the human resources necessary for a specific action are to be discussed regarding each action.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49SME 50 - 249Big companySME <=10
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
07005006 - Other consumer services (including photo processing)
Targeted countries
All countries